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8.3 Setting Transmit and Receiving Frequencies
* Frequencies are set by KHz
(1) Setting Transmitting frequencies
a) Press the [F7] key on the keyboard.
b) Input frequencies with the numerical keys.
* Use the right/left arrow keys to move the cursor.
c) Press the [ENT] key.
(Note!!) Keep frequencies between 1600KHz and 27500KHz.
(2) Setting Receiving frequencies
a) Press the [F8] key on the keyboard.
b) Input frequencies with the numerical keys.
* Use the right/left arrow keys to move the cursor.
c) Press the [ENT] key.
(Note!!) Keep frequencies between 90KHz and 29999.9KHz.
(3) Setting Transmit/Receive frequencies using 'COMM'.
a) Press the [F3] key on the keyboard to display the following screen.
b) Select the desired station with the arrow keys and press the [ENT] key. Then, information
of the selected station is shown as follows.
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* Use the [CLR] key to return to the previous screen.
c) Move the cursor to desired channel and press the [ENT] key. Then, the initial screen of
TEL mode is shown and Transmit/Receive frequencies are set as registered channel.
* Use the [CLR] key to return to the previous screen.
(4) Setting Transmit/Receive frequencies using 'Channel'
a) Press [F6] key or '/' key on the keyboard or press '#' key on the front panel.
b) Enter ITU channel or user channel with the numerical keys.
c) Press the [ENT] key.
8.4 Setting the Transmitter
(1) Set the transmitting frequency.
(2) Setting Transmitting power
a) Move the cursor to Tx Power with the up/down arrow keys.
b) Choose a power mode with the right/left arrow keys.
(Note!!) After setting the Transmitting frequencies, check if "Tx ready" is displayed in the
upper part of the screen. If not, tune the antenna with the following instructions. If
the antenna is not tuned, you cannot tranmit.
8.5 Tuning the Antenna
(1) Automatic Tuning
a) Press he [F5] key to display the following screen