San Telequip Private Limited.,
504/505 Deron Heights, Baner Road, Baner
Pune 411045, Mah, India
Phone: +91-20-27293455,9764027070,8390069393 Connecting. Converting. Leading!
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3.5.2 Operation Mode
RTU Slave:
when working as a slave node, the device will wait and accept request from its
master; data transfer is done under an RTU format.
RTU Master:
when working as a master node, the device will issue commands to the slave node;
data transfer is under an RTU format.
ASCII Slave:
when working as a slave node, the device will wait and accept request from its own
master; data transfer is under an ASCII format.
ASCII Master:
when working as a master node, the device will issue commands to the slave
node; data transfer is under an ASCII format.
3.5.3 Serial Settings
This section has the following selections:
RS-422/RS-485 Software Selectable (Default: RS-485)
Baud-rate: 110 bps ~ 921600 bps
Parity: None, Even, Odd, Mark, or Space
Data Bits: 5, 6, 7, or 8
Stop Bits: 1 or 2
Flow Control: None, Hardware CTS/RTS, Software Xon/Xoff
Apply to all Serial Ports
Alternatively, the settings can be chosen to apply to all Serial Ports if needed
by checking the last box on the options.