S&C Instruction Sheet 1023-550 23
Product Information
screen includes information about the hardware and software for
the control. See Figure 5. To display the
Product Information
screen click on the
button, near the top of most IntelliLink screens.
Product Information
Figure 5. The Product Information screen.
This screen includes the following fields:
Setup Disk Revision and Control Software Revision
Please have this information available when calling S&C Electric Company about a problem.
These fields include:
• The S&C name of the IntelliLink software version loaded in the memory of the PC.
• The S&C name for the control software version in this capacitor control, for example:
This field includes miscellaneous information about the control and IntelliLink
For example, if the IntelliLink software is older than the control software this field
includes the message “Setup Disk/Control Software Version Mismatch.” If the IntelliLink
software is newer than the control software, this field includes the control software date
and the message “Obsolete Release.”
If trying to start the IntelliLink software for a different S&C product, for example
an EnergyLine 1000 Series Capacitor Control, while the computer is connected to the
IntelliCap Plus control, the IntelliLink software terminates during startup and displays an error
This is a six-digit hexadecimal encoding of the name/version information for the
software in the control. This code is used by S&C engineers for software troubleshooting.
Using IntelliLink Software to Locate Problems