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Step 26
If secondary and control wiring are present,
all terminals should be checked for tightness,
and the jumpers between terminal blocks
of adjacent modules should be reconnected
at points where “shipping splits” occur. The
individual wires at these blocks are marked to
correspond with the adjacent terminal-block
marking. Reconnection of these wires should
be checked with reference to the applicable
“CDR” or “QCDR” wiring diagram included with
this instruction manual. If connector plugs and
receptacles are used in lieu of terminal blocks
at points where shipping splits occur, connect
the mating plugs and receptacles.
Step 27
Remove a l l tempora r y ju mper s t hat
have been connected across the current-
transformer secondaries (if applicable)
and remove all shorting screws from the
shorting-type terminal blocks. Store all
shorting screws for future use in the holes
provided in the terminal blocks.
Failure to remove the shorting screws will
make all schemes that rely on output from
the CTs inoperative.
Step 28
Switch operators and manual operating
handles may be equipped with key and/
or mecha nica l interlocks which, for
example, guard against switch operation
when the door to the module containing
the interrupter switch is open. Check
functional operation of mechanically
interlocked doors and switch-operating
mechanisms. Refer to “INTERLOCKS”
on page 33.
Failure to check and
adjust interlocks may result in personal
injury or death.
Key interlocks—in which the key is retained
in the open position—as shown in Figure 21,
are sometimes shipped separately to prevent
key breakage during shipment. Install such
interlocks with the bolts provided. See the
key sequence on the single-line diagram of the
“CD” drawing.
Figure 21. Key interlock.