3700 Osuna Road NE
Suite 711
Albuquerque, NM 87109
Section 4 - Operational Limitations
Operational Limitations
The following operational limitations apply:
Geographic limitation: None
Magnetic field sensitivity: None
Lightning direct effects sensitivity: None
Lightning indirect effects sensitivity: Approved for catastrophic functions
HIRF Susceptibility: Approved for catastrophic functions
Viewing Angle Limitations: 60° Left / Right, 45° Up / Down
Displayable Vspeeds: Vne, Vno, Vfe, Vs1, Vso (Vmc, Vyse ME Only)
Maximum displayable airspeed: 400 Knots / 460 Mph
Minimum displayable airspeed: 30 Knots / 30 Mph
Maximum displayable vertical speed range: -5,000 to 5,000 Feet/Min
Minimum displayable vertical speed range: -100 to 100 Feet/Min
Maximum displayable altitude: 35,000 Feet
Minimum displayable altitude: -1,500 Feet
Maximum configurable baro correction: 1050 mb / 31.00 inHg
Minimum configurable baro correction: 948 mb / 28.00 inHg
Minimum operational duration on battery: 30 Minutes
Maximum roll rate: 400 degrees / second
Maximum operating G force: 6 G
Battery operation may be inhibited for up to 15 minutes during cold-starts.
No operational capability on internal battery is possible if the battery is faulted, as
shown by a Red-X over the battery icon.
Battery charging is disabled below approximately 0°C and above 40°C, or when power
input is below approximately 11 volts DC.
In-Flight alignment must be performed with wings-level non-accelerated flight
Airspeed and altitude are derived from internal pressure sensors that are connected to the
aircraft’s pitot and static lines. Airspeed is determined by the pressure difference
between the pitot and static ports, while altitude is determined by the pressure on the
static port. Altitude is barometrically corrected by the pilot entered baro value prior to
being displayed.
Attitude is aided by airspeed to provide better pitch performance during takeoffs and in-
flight accelerations and decelerations. TSO performance levels are maintained with or
without this additional aiding.