3700 Osuna Road NE
Suite 711
Albuquerque, NM 87109
The Rotary Knob with pushbutton provides the pilot access to all of the interactive functions of the SAI-
340. Figure 6 depicts the pushbutton selection of various functions and Table 1describes the role of the
Rotary Knob in each function
Figure 6 - Pushbutton Controls
Rotary Knob Function
Increase/Decrease Baro Setting
Increase/Decrease Brightness
Altitude Bug On
Increase/Decrease Altitude Bug
Table 1 - Rotary Knob Controls
Indicated Airspeed
Indicated Airspeed is shown on the left side tape and drum. Airspeeds between 30 to 400 kts (30
to 460 mph) are displayable. If the airspeed exceeds the maximum value, the tape area will be
Red-X’ed. If the airspeed is below 30, the drum display will dash and the tape will settle to 0.
The units for Indicated Airspeed (kts or mph) are set during the installation procedure, and will
match the operating units of the aircraft. Airspeed units can only be configured by approved
personnel and is not pilot adjustable.