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Carefully read the following instructions before using the 
The EC N range of Aeroheaters comply with the European 
safety regulations.
It is recommended that on receiving the apparatus it is 
checked for defects and correct operation. Any defects 
from origin are covered by the guarantee. 

“In the framework of the implementation of Regulation 
(EU) 2015/1188, implementing Directive 2009/125/EC 
with regards to eco-design requirements for local space 
heaters, it is required purchasing and installing of acces-
sory controller 5401652800 - CR-TEMP”


•  The installation should be carried out by a qualifi ed elec-


•  All installation work should be carried out in accordance 

with all applicable existing national and local regulations 
covering electrical installations. 

• Do not locate the cable in front of the air outlet nor in 

contact with the walls of the Aeroheater during function. 

• Do not place fl ammable objects within at least 50cm of 

the hot air stream. 

• Do not cover the Aeroheater with objects that may res-

trict the free fl ow of air. If the airfl ow is restricted this 
may lead to overheating. 

•  Ensure that both the air inlet and outlet grilles are clean 

and free from obstructions. 

•  Do not touch the apparatus with wet hands. 
• If the apparatus is installed in a bathroom, it should be 

installed in such a way that the switches or other con-
trols are not accessible to anyone bathing or having a 


• All S&P aeroheaters are certifi ed for insta-

llation in humid atmospheres. 

• Before installation check that the mains 

electrical voltage and frequency coincides 
with the voltage shown on the product data 
plate. The mains electricity supply should 
be earthed. Do not use adapters or multiple 

• The appliance should be connected to the 

mains electrical supply with correctly si-
zed cables and should include a double pole 
switch with a contact clearance of at least 
3 mm. 


The apparatus should have suffi cient space around it for 
the circulation of air (fi g.1).
The minimum distance between the Aeroheater and the 
fl oor should be a minimum of 1.8m. 


The minimum distances in fi g.1 should be observed. 
The unit should be fi tted to a fi xed surface suitable for this 
type of installation. 
For installation the sequence below should be followed:
1. Using the support as a guide, mark the position of the 

holes in the wall/ceiling and use the appropriate raw 
plugs for the type of wall/ceiling. Fix the support using 
screws (fi g.2).

2.  Hang and fi x the apparatus from the support (fi g.3). 


All S&P Aeroheaters are designed for permanent connec-
tion to the electrical supply. When connecting to the mains 
supply, follow the directives for low voltage installations 
and the pertinent regulations for each country.
The installation should be provided with an isolator or dis-
connection device that disconnects all electricity supply to 
the apparatus.
First, remove the upper cover (fi g.4). The electrical wi-
ring diagram is stored below this cover. Proceed with the 
connection to the mains supply, having checked that the 
mains supply voltage coincides with the voltage shown 
on the product data plate. Use wiring conductors of the 
same diameter and number shown on the diagrams that 
correspond to each model. The connection to the mains 
electrical supply should be made using protected cable 
and should enter the apparatus through the cable grip 


These apparatus should be linked to the mains through a 
commutation switch (CR-25), supplied separately.
To make the connection, use one of the previously mar-
ked holes, situated at the rear of the apparatus and fi t the 
cable grip to the corresponding protected cable (fi g.5) For 
electrical connections see the CR-25 commutation switch 

(TR-1 or TR-2) 

The ambient temperature can be regulated automatically 
by connecting a thermostat to the apparatus. 


Summary of Contents for EC-3N

Page 1: ...EC 3N EC 5N EC 9N EC 12N EC 15N...

Page 2: ...2 EC 3N 230V AC 50 60Hz 3x4 mm min EC 5N EC 9N 3N 400V AC 50 60Hz EC 5N 5x2 5 mm min EC 9N 5x4 mm min EC 12N EC 15N 3N 400V AC 50 60Hz 5x6 mm min m min N 5x4mm min...

Page 3: ...3 5 6 7 COM 100 250V 50 60Hz 3 4 NO NC 16 17 GND RELAY 2 14 EC 3N 230V AC 50 60Hz 3x4 mm min CR TEMP 100 250V AC 50 60Hz 2x1 5 mm...

Page 4: ...4 5 6 7 COM 100 250V 50 60Hz 3 4 NO NC 16 17 GND RELAY 2 14 EC 9N 5x4mm min EC 5N EC 9N 3N 400V AC 50 60Hz EC 5N 5x2 5 mm min EC 9N 5x4 mm min CR TEMP 100 250V AC 50 60Hz 2x1 5 mm...

Page 5: ...5 EC 12N EC 15N 3N 400V AC 50 60Hz 5x6 mm min CR TEMP 100 250V AC 50 60Hz 2x1 5 mm 5 6 7 COM 100 250V 50 60Hz 3 4 NO NC 16 17 GND RELAY 2 14...

Page 6: ...TEP OFF 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 5 6 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 RE5 RE4 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 RE3 RE2 RE1 9 38 STEP ON EC 3N 1 EC 3N 6 EC 3N 5 EC 3N 4 EC 3N 3 EC 3N 2 5 6 BLOCK 2 230V 50 60Hz ON 1 2 3 5 6 BLOCK...

Page 7: ...2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 RE5 RE4 16 17 18 19 20 RE3 RE2 22 23 24 25 RE1 21 BLOCK 1 9 38 STEP ON ON ON EC 5N 2 EC 5N 6 EC 9N EC 5N 5 EC 9N EC 5N 4 EC 9N EC 5N 3 EC 9N BLOCK 2 230V 50 60Hz...

Page 8: ...22 23 24 25 21 RE2 RE1 16 17 18 RE3 ON CONTROL ETT 6 38 STEP ON 9 EC 12N 2 EC 15N EC 12N 1 EC 15N EC 12N 3 EC 15N EC 12N 3 EC 15N EC 12 15N 1 step 1 EC 12 15N 1 step 2 EC 12 15N 2 step 2 EC 12 15N 2...

Page 9: ...9 Fig 1 Fig 3 Fig 2 Fig 4...

Page 10: ...10 Fig 5 Fig 7 Fig 6...

Page 11: ...11...

Page 12: ...e deben ser incorporados a la instalaci n ja para su desconexi n omnipolar de la red de alimen taci n deben presentar una separaci n de contactos de al menos 3 mm en todos los polos IMPORTANTE Se tien...

Page 13: ...r el aparato durante 15 minutos com probar que no haya acumulaci n de suciedad en las reji llas y si fuera preciso limpiarlas despu s de desconectar el aparato de la red Vuelva a poner en marcha el Ae...

Page 14: ...hould include a double pole switch with a contact clearance of at least 3 mm IMPORTANT The apparatus should have suf cient space around it for the circulation of air g 1 The minimum distance between t...

Page 15: ...nd if necessary disconnect the apparatus from the mains supply and clean them To operate the apparatus again push the RESET button lo cated at the top of the apparatus g 7 If the problem persists cont...

Page 16: ...plaque caract risti que L installation doit pr voir une prise de terre Il est d conseill l utilisation de rallonge ou d adaptateur multiprises En cas de raccordement direct au r seau la ligne lectriqu...

Page 17: ...URIT CONTRE LES SURCHAUFFES Les a rothermes sont quip s d une protection thermique r armement manuel arr tant automatiquement l appa reil en cas de surchauffe Au cas o cela se produirait laisser le re...

Page 18: ...stromnetz an das das ger t anges chlossen wird muss geerdet sein Von der verwendung von adaptern und mehrfachs teckdosen wird abgeraten Bei der installation ist ein trennschalter mit einer trennstrec...

Page 19: ...g abk hlen lassen Sicherstellen da die Gitter nicht verschmutzt sind und diese gegebenenfalls reinigen In diesem Fall ist das Ger t vom Netz zu trennen Den Heizl fter wieder in Betrieb setzen indem de...

Page 20: mutatore a quattro posizioni ed il termostato Le posizioni del commutatore in un senso o nell altro sono le seguenti 0 Arresto Ventilazione Met potenza di riscaldamento Piena potenza di riscaldamen...

Page 21: ...o per un lungo periodo Questo non un diffetto Per rimediare a questo inconveniente collegare l apparecchio ad una pre sa di corrente senza interruttore differenziale Il tempo di asciugatura pu durare...

Page 22: nem bases m ltiplas Os dispositivos de corte que devem ser in corporados na instala o xa para o seu corte omnipolar da rede de alimenta o deve apresentar uma separa o de contac tos de pelo menos 3...

Page 23: ...N o mergulhe o aparelho nem o coloque por baixo de tor neiras N o desmonte nem manipule o aparelho tal facto anula ria automaticamente a garantia Se a instala o estiver protegida por um interruptor di...

Page 24: ...uiting aangesloten te worden op het span ningsnet en dient een dubbele poolschake laar te hebben met een contactruimte van tenminste 3 mm BELANGRIJK Rondom het apparaat dient voldoende ruimte aanwezig...

Page 25: ...uitgeschakeld wordt wacht dan 15 minuten totdat het apparaat afgekoeld is Controleer vervolgens of de roosters niet vuil zijn en indien nodig schakel de span ning uit en reinig de roosters Om het over...

Page 26: ...deras av en dubbelpolig omko pplare med kontaktavst nd av minst 3 mm VIKTIGT Apparaten m ste ha tillr ckligt avst nd runt om f r cirku lation av luften g 1 Kortaste avst ndet mellan Luftv rmaren och g...

Page 27: ...e r smutsiga och om s r fallet koppla ur apparaten fr n str mf rs rjningen och reng r dem F r att starta appar ten igen tryck p RESET knappen ovanp apparaten Om problemet kvarst r kontakta S P Service...

Page 28: ...beltpolskontakt der be nder sig mindst 3 mm fra andre elementer VIGTIGT Apparatet skal have plads nok til fri luftcirkulation g 1 Den minimale afstand mellem Aeroheateren og gulvet b r v re 1 8 m INST...

Page 29: ...lysne ttet og rense ristene For at t nde for apparatet igen skal du trykke p knappen RESET der er placeret verst p apparatet Hvis problemet vender tilbage skal du kontakte S P s of cielle servicenetv...


Page 31: Pri dosazen nastaven teploty se ohrev i ventil tor vypnou Pri poklesu teploty termostat ohrev nebo ohrev a ventil tor opet zapne a t m udrzuje teplotu v m stnosti na nastaven hodnote Pro nastaven z...

Page 32: zajisten bezprobl mov ho provozu je treba pr stroj cistit alespon jednou za rok Normy Ohr vace splnuj pozadavky na rusen radiotechnickych pr stroju a jsou odpov daj c m zpusobem odruseny TECHNICK...

Page 33: ...Wszystkie prace instalacyjne powinny zostac wykonane przez wykwalifikowany i upowazniony do tego personel zgodnie z regulacjami prawnymi obowiazujacymi w Polsce 2 Przew d zasilajacy powinien zostac t...

Page 34: ...powinno byc wykonane izolowanym przewodem kt ry powinien zostac wprowadzony do urzadzenia przez listwe zaciskowa PODLACZENIE PRZELACZNIKA CR 25 Termowentylator moze zostac podlaczony do sieci poprzez...


Page 36: ...36 EC N EU 2015 1188 2009 125 EC 5401652800 CR TEMP 50 3 1 fig 1 1 8 1 fig 1 1 2 fig 2 2 3 fig 3 S P 4 fig 4...

Page 37: ...37 CR 25 CR 25 5 fig 5 CR 25 TR 1 TR 2 CR 25 TR 1 EC 3N EC5N EC 9N TR 2 EC 12N EC 15N CR 25 0 6 fig 6 TR 1 TR 2 6 fig 6 0 15 7 fig 7 S P...

Page 38: ...38 Soler Palau Soler Palau...

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Page 40: ...S P SISTEMAS DE VENTILACI N S L U C Llevant 4 Pol gono Industrial Llevant 08150 Parets del Vall s Barcelona Espa a Tel 34 93 571 93 00 Fax 34 93 571 93 01 www solerpalau com Ref 9023040600 03...
