Installation & Operation Manual Merlin 1000BH
Rev: 09 03-21
Initial Power-Up (Commissioning)
When the system is connected to the mains power supply, the Power LED will illuminate RED. Turn the key switch
on to start the system. The system will close the solenoid valve when an emergency stop is pressed, gas detected
or any alarm/fault signal is triggered.
We recommend all gas detection systems be commissioned by a competent/trained engineer to ensure
correct installation and operation!
Emergency Shut Off
The Emergency shut off button is located on the front of the panel. There is also a facility for remote shut off buttons
to be installed (wired in series). The Emergency shut off button(s) will cut off the gas supply when activated.
To reinstate the system, the Emergency shut off button(s) will need resetting and the panel restarted.
LED Indication
Gas on
When the key switch is turned on, the Merlin 1000BH will check the installation for gas leaks. If gas proving is
successful, the gas valve will open and the green ‘Gas On’ LED will illuminate.
ON = Gas On / OFF = Gas Off
This LED will illuminate GREEN for approximately 30 seconds when the panel is checking the integrity of the gas
installation upon start up. GREEN = proving the gas line, do NOT operate any appliances.
Test Fail
Under normal working conditions this LED is off. When the panel detects a gas leak on start-up, the LED will
illuminate AMBER. Gas valve will remain closed. OFF = OK / ON = gas proving failed.
Pressure Low
Under normal working conditions the LED is off. The LED will illuminate AMBER when pressure of the gas supply
drops below 12mBar for 10 secs. The gas valve will close. OFF = OK / ON = gas supply pressure low.
Gas Detector 1 or Gas Detector 2
Under normal working condition this LED is off. If the external Merlin detector connected detects gas this will show
RED and the Gas valve will turn off. OFF = OK / ON = Gas detected.
Heat Detector
Under normal working condition this LED is off. If the temperature of the boilers reaches 72 Degrees Celsius or
higher (Heat detector required), the LED will show AMBER and the Gas valve will turn off. OFF = OK / ON = High
temperature detected (72°C or higher)
EM Stop
If an emergency shut off button (either remote or on the panel) is pressed, the LED will illuminate AMBER and the
gas will be turned off. The EM Stop button must be re-set before restarting the system. OFF = OK / ON = EM Stop
button pressed.
Fire Alarm Panel
If a fire alarm panel is triggered, the LED will illuminate Amber and the gas will be turned off. The Fire alarm panel
must be re-set before restarting the system. Off = OK / ON = Fire alarm panel triggered.