Optional Equipment
Safety, Operation and Maintenance Manual - Aug 2012
SY115C9/135C/155H Crawler Hydraulic Excavator
5. The breather valve (F) on top of the
hydraulic tank can be used to release the
internal pressure of the hydraulic lines.
To release the pressure completely, turn
and open the butter
y nut on the breather
valve (F) and press the relief button to re-
lease the pressure.
6. Check the temperature of hydraulic oil,
which should be cooled to a safe tempera-
ture, and then turn the rotor of the stop
valve (mounted to the inlet and outlet lines
to the side of the arm) to locked position (b).
(a) unlocked: allows flow of the hydraulic
oil (the arrow-indicated direction is
parallel to the longitudinal direction of
(b) locked: stops flow of the hydraulic oil
(the arrow-indicated direction is per-
pendicular to the longitudinal direction
of arm).
7. Disconnect the hose at the side of the
optional equipment. Install the screw plugs
to the two outlets.
The screw plugs are used to prevent that
the invasion of foreign materials could lead
to the malfunction of the optional equip-
ment. Put the optional equipment in stor-
age after the screw plugs have been in-
stalled properly.
8. Remove the two installation pins, disas-
semble the optional equipment, and install
the bucket.
For more information on the bucket instal-
lation procedures see
Bucket Replace-
on page 5-47
Fig. 8-12
Fig. 8-13
Fig. 8-14