Safety, Operation and Maintenance Manual - Sep 2012
SY115C9/135C/155H Crawler Hydraulic Excavator
Observe the following items before per-
forming any operations. Failure to do so
could cause machine damage, personal
injury or death.
Make sure all covers and caps are in
proper place. Repair or replace any of
them immediately once found dam-
Know how to use these facilities and
use them correctly.
Never remove the guard rail of the op-
erator cab (unless necessary) .
2.3.6 Cleaning your machine
Clean the windshields, mirrors and lights.
Make sure that the operating area, steps
and handholds are free from oil, grass,
snow, ice or mud, which can cause you
to slip and fall. Remove the mud on your
soles before getting on the machine.
If the machine is checked or serviced with
presence of mud or oil dirt, it may cause
you to slip or fall, or dirt may get into your
eyes. Keep the machine clean all the time.
If water has penetrated into the electri-
cal system, never rush to power on your
machine and start the engine, which can
cause machine failure or PC board dam-
age. Never flush the electrical system
(including sensors, connectors, etc.) with
water or steam.
Fig. 2-25