3.2.4 PPTP
Address Mode
Select "Dynamic" or "Static"
Server IP Address
Input your server IP address provided by your ISP. If
you don’t know, please check with your ISP.
User Name
Input PPTP account provided by your ISP.
Input the password provided by your ISP.
MTU Size
Maximum Transmission Unit. Usually provide by
computer operation systems (OS). Advanced users can
set it manually.
Enable MPPE
Microsoft Point-to-Point Encryption (MPPE) provides
data security for the PPTP connection that is between
the VPN client and VPN server.
Enable MPPC
Microsoft Point-to-Point Compression (MPPC) is a
scheme used to compress Point-to-Point Protocol
(PPP) packets between Cisco and Microsoft client
devices. The MPPC algorithm is designed to optimize
bandwidth utilization in order to support multiple
simultaneous connections. The MPPC algorithm uses a
Lempel-Ziv (LZ) based algorithm with a continuous
history buffer, called a dictionar
Wireless AP
Turn on/off wireless
Service Set identifier, users can define to any or keep
as default.
Select wireless encryption type form the drop-down list.