User Guide, Version 2.0
The channels below the centre frequency are set with the SLLxy command and the channels above
the centre frequency with the SLHxy command (max ± 1MHz). The number of the channel is a
decimal number 00-40, if the 25 kHz channel space is used, and 00-80, if the 12,5 kHz channel
space is used. The desired radio channel number can be derived from the mathematical formula
channel = centre frequency
xy * channel space (eg. 25 kHz).
An example
SLH35 => 445 MHz + 35 * 25 kHz = 445.875 MHz
As soon as the radio modem recognizes a channel programming packet it disables the CTS signal
and checks if the setting of the new channel is permitted. If the new channel was within limits the
radio is set to the new channel and the modem replies
If the channel is not permitted the reply is
7.3.3 Saving of the current setup
Other SL-commands do not affect permanent setup values. The changes are valid only as long as
the radio modem is powered. Next time when the power is switched on, the radio modem will load
the permanent values from its non-volatile memory. Permanent changes can be done using the SL-
(Ø = zero)