+ 00mm
The label Pitch is the distance from the leading edge (the edge
that comes out of the printer first) of a label and the leading
edge of the next label. The leading edge position of the label
can be adjusted relative to the print head +/- 49 mm in
increments of 1mm. Once the position is set, it can be fine
ad/- 3.75 mm using the PITCH potentometer on the
Adjustment Panel.
The underline cursor will initially be positioned underneath
the Pitch Direction setting. Pressing the LINE key will step
the setting to the positive (+) or negative (-) selection. A
positive selection moves the leading edge of the label
forward (away from the print head) while a negative
selection moves the leading edge of the label back into
the mechanism.
Once the correct direction is selected, pressing the FEED
key will accept the setting and advance the cursor to the
Offset selection.
Use the LINE key to step the first digit of the counter to
the desired setting. The display will increment one step
each timethe LINE key is pressed. The reading will
advance to a setting of 4 after which it will automatically
wrap and start at 0 again.
Press the FEED key to accept the setting and advance
the cursor to the second digit. Again use the LINE key to
step to the desired setting. Once it is correct, pressing the
FEED key will step to the next adjustment.
You may wish to print a test label after completing the
adjustments to ensure they are correct.
SATO M-8400RVe
PN 900107
Page 3-11
Section 3: Configuration
Moved with negative
(-) offset to print on
leading edge of the
Original (0 offset) first
line print position
Moved with positive
(+) offset to print on
trailing edge of label
Leading edge of the
label as detected by