Ph. Huwyler, 15.01.2017, v.1.3
Email to SMS plugin
Email to SMS plugin allows you to convert an email to SMS message and send to the given
telephone number. Go to our website www.SMS for the details of this feature.
SMS to Email plugin
SMS to Email plugin allows you to forward your SMS messages to email address. It forwards
all the incoming messages to one email address. Plugin uses an external SMTP server for
sending emails. Go to our website www.SMS for the details of this feature.
Callback URL plugin
Callback URL plugin allows you to forward incoming SMS message to a defined URL address.
If the plugin is enabled, on each incoming sms message SMS Eagle will trigger HTTP request
to a defined URL. HTTP request can be of type GET or POST. Go to our website www.SMS for the details of this feature.
SMS Eagle has some powerful built-in API functionalities. With API you can use the device to
send and receive messages from any external system or application. For the detailed
description of API functionality go to our internet site: http://www.SMS
External Software integration
SMS Eagle has a number of ready-to-use plugins for integration with external software
(monitoring systems and other). For a complete list of plugins please go to: http://www.SMS
Basic usage of the E-Mail To SMS plugin
If the plugin is enabled, email sent to the email address:
will be converted to SMS message.
PHONE_NUMBER is a destination phone number
IP_ADDRESS_OF_SMS EAGLE is the IP address of your device.
The text of the email is the text of the SMS message (optionally you can append email
subject at the beginning of SMS message).
To enable this plugin, go to Email to SMS web-page and enable it.