IG Device Integration Manual
3. Protocol requirements
In order to ease the IG-Device integration, the IG-500E should communicate directly with a
pre-configured IG-Device. Before connecting an IG-Device to an IG-500E, you should first connect
the external IG-Device to a computer in order to configure it correctly.
The easiest way to do this is to use the provided IG-30G configuration C example that use the
sbgCom library. By default, you can find it in the following directory:
C:\Program Files\SBG-Systems\IG-500 SDK\Software Development\Examples
You will find below the configuration needed by the IG-Device to work correctly with the IG-500E.
3.1. General configuration
For best results, please make sure that the IG-Device is configured as describe below. All other
settings should be reset to factory default settings.
Serial Baudrate set to highest possible value in order to reduce latency (minimum 115 200
bps recommended).
Output mode set to Big Endian with floating point format.
Continuous/trigger output divider set to 10.
Attitude computation disabled (on IG-30G).
Main loop filter frequency set to 100 Hz (on IG-30G)
Magnetometers soft and hard iron matrix set to identity and offset to null.
SBG Systems