IG Device Integration Manual
3.2. Triggered outputs
Triggered outputs (not continuous output) should be enabled with the following configuration output
Channel 1:
triggered by the continuous divider trigger.
Time since reset output
Calibrated Magnetometer output
Raw magnetometer output (optional)
Calibrated Accelerometer output (only required during automatic magnetometer
UTC Time reference
Baro pressure output
Channel 2:
triggered by the new GPS Position, + new GPS ve new GPS course
Time since reset output
GPS position output
GPS Navigation output
GPS Accuracy output
GPS Info output
Note 1:
Trigger channel 1 is only needed if remote magnetometersare used as heading source
or pressure sensor for altitude.
Note 2:
Please refer to the IG-Devices Serial Protocol Specifications for more details.
Note 3:
If you would like to implement your own IG-Devices Serial Protocol Specifications to
connect a hardware other than an IG-500N or IG-30G, please contact SBG Systems.
3.3. Sync Out pin configuration
If the remote IG-Device supports synchronization output signal, then a synchronization pulse
should be sent at the output divider frequency. This will allow the IG-500E to synchronize incoming
data with its internal clock.
The falling edge pulse mode is preferable as it generates the smallest delay.
If your are using an IG-500N or IG-30G that supports a SyncOut signal, don't forget to add
a pull-up resistor on the line as the SyncOut pin is open drain.
SBG Systems