Setting 1: Control Circuit Terminal
Up/Down commands are issued from the control circuit terminals. This is the standard setting used in
most elevator applications.
b1-08: Up/Down Command Selection while in Programming Mode
As a safety precaution, the drive will not normally respond to a Up/Down command input when the
digital operator is being used to adjust a parameter in the Programming Mode (Verify Menu, Setup
Mode, and Auto-Tuning Mode). If required by the application, set b1-08 to allow the drive to run
while in the Programming Mode.
Parameter Name
Setting Range
Up/Down Command Selection while in
Programming Mode
0 to 2
Setting 0: Disabled
A Up/Down command is not accepted while the digital operator is in the Programming Mode.
Setting 1: Enabled
A Up/Down command is accepted in any digital operator mode.
Setting 2: Prohibit programming during run
It is not possible to enter the Programming Mode as long as the drive output is active. The
Programming Mode cannot be displayed during Run.
b3-01: Detection light load direction
Enable or disable light load experiment
Parameter Name
Setting Range
Detection light load direction
0 , 1
Setting 0: Disable
If this parameter is set to 0, the drive will move in the direction that has been issued from the control
center, while the drive itself is in rescue mode and the light load orientation detection test no longer
will be performed by the drive in this situation.
Setting 1: Enable
If this parameter is set to 1, the driver will perform a light load direction test in rescue mode. Any
direction command issued from the control center will be ignored by the driver.
C: Tuning
C parameters are used to set the acceleration and deceleration characteristics, as well as jerk. Other
parameters in this group cover setting for torque compensation and PI controller in closed-loop
C1: Acceleration and Deceleration Ramps
C1-01 to C1-04 and C1-09: Accel, Decel Ramps 1 and 2 and Fast Stop Ramp
Five parameters can be set in the drive for tuning acceleration and deceleration ramp. Acceleration
ramp parameters always set the ramp or time to accelerate from 0 to the maximum speed.
Deceleration ramp parameters always set the ramp or time to decelerate from the maximum speed to
In this version (SBT-L450U), C1-01 is used for acceleration time. C1-02 is used when the motor
decelerates from any speed to any other speed (except nominal and leveling speed to zero speed). C1-