CVJ Puller
Avoid damage to drive axle
Beschädigung der Antriebswelle vermeiden
Pour éviter d’abîmer l’arbre de transmission
Para evitar daños del árbol de transmisión
Undgå skader på drivakslen
Before starting the work, make sure
that the joint is designed to be removed
from the drive shaft. Also check whether
the retaining ring is the type that needs to be
removed with a pair of circlip pliers.
Place the tool under the drive shaft. Align
the »neck« of the lower jaw with the clamping
slot of the boot or with the narrowest section of
the drive shaft.
Adjust the lower jaw to a suitable distance using
the adjustment holes – remember to leave enough
thread visible to tighten the locking nut.
Place the upper jaw on the lower jaw with the drive
shaft between them, and tighten the two bolts to
secure the tool in position.
Apply some lubricant to the washer
and the lock nut. Then tighten the lock nut
until the retaining ring inside the joint relea-
ses the joint from the drive shaft. Note: If the
retaining ring is the type that needs to be
removed with a pair of circlip pliers, you must
open the circlip while tightening the nut.
If the joint sits very tight try to loosen the nut slight-
ly and tap gently on the outside of the joint e.g. with
a soft faced mallet to loosen it. Then tighten the nut
again, and carefully tap the joint outwards.
To avoid damaging the nut, never use extensions to
increase the torque or use heavy-duty wrenches.
If the joint still will not come loose, do not use excessive
Removing the CV Joint
Do not insert tools here.
Bitte kein Werkzeug hier einsetzen.
N’insérer aucun o util ici.
No inserar herramientas aquí.
For at hindre, at akslen drejer rundt sættes
bilen i laveste gear og bremses. Derudover
kan demonteringsværktøjet fastholdes som
vist på figuren.
To keep the drive shaft from turning, place
vehicle in the lowest gear, with the brakes
on, and hold the tool as shown here.
Das Drehen wird durch einlegen eines kleinen
Gangs und anziehen der Bremse, sowie durch
Festhalten mit einer Zange verhindert.
Pour empêcher l’axe
de tourner, passer la
première vitesse et
mettre le frein à
main. Tenir comme
indiqué ci-contre.
Para evitar que el eje gire, ponga la
movilidad en marcha baja, ponga el
freno y sostenga como indicado aquí.
Indsæt ikke støtteværktøjer her.
Tel: +45 6320 6320
Rytterhaven 9
Fax: +45 6320 6321
DK-5700 Svendborg
Tool for removing the CV Joint on front wheel drive cars
SCANGRIP Gelenkwellen Trennwerkzeug verwenden
Spezialwerkzeug zum Abziehen von Gleichlaufgelenken von der
Antriebswelle an PKW’s mit Frontantrieb
Appliquez l’extracteur SCANGRIP
Extracteur de noix de transmission pour véhicules à traction frontale
Aplicar el extractor SCANGRIP
Extractor para la junta mosinética para vehículos de tracción frontal
Brug SCANGRIP Drivledsaftrækker
Specialværktøj til demontering af drivled på forhjulstrukne biler
Patented Product