Mach-DSP User’s Manual
Document Number: MACH-DSP-9021
Page 53
For that reason, the Mach-DSP incorporates two separate filters, which may optionally
be employed to control these resonances. Each filter may be bypassed (saving
computational time) or may be selected as a single-pole low-pass, a two-pole low-pass,
notch, or phase-lead filtering. Of the four types of filters, the notch filter is used most
often, and has the lowest impact on scanner position motion quality.
The filter frequency and filter Q are adjustable along with the filter type. Generally the
use of a lower Q allows for better control over resonances, but unfortunately also
imposes a greater phase delay in the servo loop, which may affect the quality of motion.
Thus the filter type, filter frequency and filter Q must all be adjusted carefully, while
monitoring the result using the Dynamic Signal Analyzer as well as the Oscilloscope, to
eliminate any resonances while at the same time minimizing impact on position quality.
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