Chapter 1: iNSIGHT 20 Dual Purpose Scanner
User Precautions
NSIGHT 20 Scanner
User Precautions
Users and their employer need to observe the common
sense precautions applicable to the operation of any
machinery. These include, but are not limited to, the
Do not wear loose clothing, unbuttoned sleeves, etc.
Do not wear loose jewelry, bracelets, bulky rings, long
necklaces, etc.
Hair length should be kept short, using a hair net if
needed, or tying long hair up in a bundle.
Remove all loose objects from the area that could be
drawn into the machine.
Take sufficient breaks to maintain mental alertness.
Do not use canned/compressed air for cleaning.
Using compressed air could blow dust into difficult to
clean areas.
Use only the recommended cleaning supplies to
prevent damage to scanner components.
Supervisors should review their practices and make
compliance with these precautions a part of the job
description for operation of the scanner.