NSG 438
Verification of the pulse data
The calibration and verification of the pulse data requires a specialist test
and measurement laboratory for which the IEC standard sets out certain
minimal requirements.
Schaffner uses the following instruments for calibration purposes:
Oscilloscope with an analogue bandwidth of min. 1GHz
Coaxial measurement adapter MD 101
Pellegrini-target as per IEC / EN 61000-4-2 (2001) or MD 102
according to latest draft
20dB attenuator covering the range from dc to 12.4GHz
SUCOFLEX-HF-coaxial cable
High voltage dc voltmeter (Ri > 30G
The instruments are periodically re-calibrated in accordance with the
requirements of ISO 17025.
Calibration installation with oscilloscope in a Faraday cage