page 12
version 1.2_en
Common reasons for incorrect measurements
Wrong calibration curve
Double-check the correct selection of the calibration curve
before measuring. The calibration curve „reference“ must NOT
be used.
Inadequate thickness of the paper pile
A single sheet of paper must NOT be measured. Make sure
that the paper pile below the steel clamps has a thickness of
at least 100 mm.
Electro conductive material
Every metallic object as well as electro conductive packing
material e.g. paper coloured by soot or wire has a negative
effect on the accuracy of your measurement. Make sure that
in an area of 20 cm below the sensor steel clamps there is no
such material.
Product temperature out of application range
The application range is between 0 and +60°C.
Discrepancy in temperature between device and material
Please ensure that the device and the material under test are
being stored at nearly the same temperature before
measuring. A high temperature difference has a negative
effect on the stability of the measurement results.
Measurement at the front side
A measurement at the front side of a paper roll will bring
different measuring results. For that you have to select a
different calibration curve.
Bended steel clamps
If the steel clamps (measuring area) are bended you might get
wrong measuring results.
Please note:
After measuring at the running paper roll for a longer period
the steel clamps will get hot – don´t touch! => risk of getting
Measuring fine paper at the running roll may cause pressure
marks on the paper => for possible damages at the paper we
refuse any liability.