background image







Materials containing asbestos must not be machined!

Maintenance and cleaning

WARNING! RISK OF INJURY! Switch the appli-

ance off and remove the power plug before com-
mencing any work to the appliance.



The appliance must always be kept clean, dry and 
free from oil or grease.


Use a soft, dry cloth to clean the housing. Never 
use petrol, solvents or cleansers which can damage 

WARNING! If the connecting cable needs to be 

replaced, this must be carried out by the manufac-
turer or an authorised representative in order to 
avoid safety hazards.


Grinding tools are to be treated with care and trans-
ported carefully. Grinding tools should be stored in 
such a way that they are not exposed to mechanical 

damage or harmful environmental influences.


Never allow liquids to get into the appliance.


Store the device and its accessories in a dark, dry and 
frost-proof place that is inaccessible to children. The 

optimum storage temperature is between 5 and 30˚C. 

Store the electrical tool in its original packaging.

Cover the electrical tool in order to protect it from dust 

and moisture.
Store the operating manual with the electrical tool.

Electrical connection

The electrical motor installed is connected and 
ready for operation. The connection complies with 
the applicable VDE and DIN provisions.
The customer‘s mains connection as well as the 
extension cable used must also comply with these 

Important information

In the event of an overloading the motor will switch 

itself off. After a cool-down period (time varies) the mo


tor can be switched back on again.

Damaged electrical connection cable

The insulation on electrical connection cables is often 
This may have the following causes:


Passage points, where connection cables are 
passed through windows or doors.


Kinks where the connection cable has been improp-
erly fastened or routed.


Places where the connection cables have been cut 
due to being driven over.


Insulation damage due to being ripped out of the 
wall outlet.


Cracks due to the insulation ageing.

Such damaged electrical connection cables must not 
be used and are life-threatening due to the insulation 

Check the electrical connection cables for damage 

regularly. Make sure that the connection cable does 
not hang on the power network during the inspection.
Electrical connection cables must comply with the ap-
plicable VDE and DIN provisions. Only use connection 

cables with the marking „H05VV-F“.

The printing of the type designation on the connection 
cable is mandatory.

AC motor


The mains voltage must be 230 V~


Extension cables up to 25 m long must have a 
cross-section of 1.5 mm2.

Connections and repairs of electrical equipment

may only be carried out by an electrician.
Please provide the following information in the event of 

any enquiries:


Type of current for the motor


Machine data - type plate


Machine data - type plate

Disposal and recycling

The equipment is supplied in packaging to prevent it 

from being damaged in transit. The raw materials in 
this packaging can be reused or recycled. Never place 

batteries in your household refuse, in fire or in water. 

Batteries should be collected, recycled or disposed of 

by environment-friendly means. The equipment and 

its accessories are made of various types of material, 
such as metal and plastic. Defective components must 
be disposed of as special waste. Ask your dealer or 
your local council.

Old devices must not be disposed of with house-

hold waste!

This symbol indicates that this product must 
not be disposed of together with domestic 
waste in compliance with the Directive 

(2012/19/EU)  pertaining  to  waste  electrical 

and electronic equipment (WEEE). This product must 

be disposed of at a designated collection point. This 
can occur, for example, by handing it in at an author-
ised collecting point for the recycling of waste elec-

trical and electronic equipment. Improper handling 
of waste equipment may have negative consequenc


es for the environment and human health due to po-
tentially hazardous substances that are often con-

tained  in  electrical  and  electronic  equipment.  By 

properly disposing of this product, you are also con-
tributing to the effective use of natural resources. 
You can obtain information on collection points for 

waste equipment from your municipal administration, 

public waste disposal authority, an authorised body 
for the disposal of waste electrical and electronic 

equipment or your waste disposal company.

Summary of Contents for 5802601901

Page 1: ...FR Fraise rainure de mur Traduction des instructions d origine 20 27 PT Fresadora de ro os Tradu o do manual de instru es original 28 35 IT Scanalatrice per muro Traduzione dalle istruzioni d uso orig...

Page 2: ...www scheppach com service scheppach com 49 08223 4002 99 49 08223 4002 58 2 56 1 1 2 3a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 14 13 14 13 14 17 13 5...

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Page 5: com service scheppach com 49 08223 4002 99 49 08223 4002 58 DE Vor Inbetriebnahme Bedienungsanleitung und Sicherheitshinweise lesen und beachten DE Schutzbrille tragen DE Schutzklasse II DE Geh rsc...

Page 6: ...ktrowerkzeugs unterwiesen und ber die damit verbundenen Gefahren unterrichtet sind Das ge for der te Mindestalter ist einzuhalten Neben den in dieser Bedienungsanleitung enthal tenen Si cherheitshinwe...

Page 7: ...neten Verl ngerungskabels verringert das Risiko eines elektrischen Schlages Wenn der Betrieb des Elektrowerkzeuges in feuchter Umgebung nicht vermeidbar ist ver wenden Sie einen Fehlerstromschutzscha...

Page 8: ...zeug angegebene H chstdrehzahl Zubeh r das sich schneller als zul ssig dreht kann zerbrechen und umherfliegen Schleifk rper d rfen nur f r die empfohlenen Einsatzm glichkeiten verwendet werden Zum Bei...

Page 9: ...geeignete Vorsichtsma nahmen wie nachfol gend beschrieben verhindert werden Halten Sie das Elektrowerkzeug gut fest und bringen Sie Ihren K rper und Ihre Arme in eine Position in der Sie die R ckschl...

Page 10: ...das Elekt rowerkzeug abgeschaltet ist und solche in denen es zwar eingeschaltet ist aber ohne Belastung l uft Restrisiken Auch wenn Sie dieses Elektrowerkzeug vor schriftsm ig bedienen bleiben immer...

Page 11: ...ein und f hren Sie das Ger t erst dann auf das Werk st ck Die Mauernutfr se ist mit einem elektronischen Sanftanlauf ausgestattet Der Motor startet mit einer Verz gerung Ger t einschalten Bet tigen Si...

Page 12: ...VV F Ein Aufdruck der Typenbezeichnung auf dem An schlusskabel ist Vorschrift Wechselstrommotor Die Netzspannung muss 230 V betragen Verl ngerungsleitungen bis 25 m L nge m ssen ei nen Querschnitt von...

Page 13: ...www scheppach com service scheppach com 49 08223 4002 99 49 08223 4002 58 GB Caution Read the operating instructions to reduce the risk of inquiry GB Wear safety goggles GB protection class II GB Wear...

Page 14: ...ckage with the machine at all times and store it in a plastic cover to protect it from dirt and moisture Read the instruction manual each time before operating the machine and carefully follow its inf...

Page 15: ...n skid safety shoes hard hat or hearing protection used for appropriate conditions will redu ce personal injuries Prevent unintentional starting Ensure the switch is in the off position before connect...

Page 16: ...l face protection eye protection or goggles If requi red use a dust mask ear protectors protective gloves or special apron to protect you from grindings and material particles Eyes should be protected...

Page 17: ...port panels or large workpieces to reduce the risk of the cutting disc jamming and causing a kickback Large workpieces can bend under their own weight The workpiece must be supported on both sides nam...

Page 18: ...tach the first diamond cutting disc Fig 5 Set the desired cut width in accordance with the number of blotters 14 Ensure that the flange 13 is set in place as the top blotter Fig 5 Attach the second di...

Page 19: ...g Such damaged electrical connection cables must not be used and are life threatening due to the insulation damage Check the electrical connection cables for damage regularly Make sure that the connec...

Page 20: ...002 58 20 56 FR AVERTISSEMENT pour r duire le risque de blessure lisez le mode d emploi FR Portez des lunettes de protection FR Cat gorie de protection II FR Portez une protection auditive FR Portez u...

Page 21: ...le prot ger de la salet et de l humidit sur la machine Avant de commencer travailler avec la machine chaque utilisateur doit lire le manuel d utilisa tion puis le suivre attentivement Seules les pers...

Page 22: ...un dispositif courant diff rentiel r siduel RCD L usage d un RCD r duit le risque de choc lectrique S curit des personnes Rester vigilant regarder ce que vous tes en train de faire et faire preuve de...

Page 23: ...ces disques risque de les briser Utilisez toujours des brides de serrage intacts de taille et de forme adapt e au disque abrasif que vous avez choisi Des flasques adapt s sou tiennent le disque abrasi...

Page 24: ...pouvoir r sister un recul brutal Utilisez toujours la poign e suppl mentaire si pr sente pour ma t riser le mieux possible les forces de recul ou les couples de r action au d marrage L op rateur peut...

Page 25: en compte par exemple les dur es pendant lesquelles l outil est teint et celles pendant lesquelles il est allu m mais fonctionne sans charge Risques r siduels M me en utilisant cet outil lectrique...

Page 26: ...pareil avant son entr e en con tact avec le mat riau et ensuite seulement guidez l appareil sur la pi ce usiner La rainureuse murale est dot e d un circuit lectronique d marrage en dou ceur Le moteur...

Page 27: ...ur N utilisez que des lignes de raccordement dot es du signe H05VV F L indication de la d signation du type sur la ligne de raccordement est obligatoire Moteur courant alternatif La tension du r seau...

Page 28: ...2 58 28 56 PT Leia e siga o manual de instru es e as indica es de seguran a antes da coloca o em funcio namento PT Use culos protetores PT Classe de prote o II PT Use uma prote o dos ouvidos PT Use um...

Page 29: ...utiliza o da m quina e dos perigos associados Deve ser respeitada a idade m nima exigida Para al m das indica es de seguran a inclu das nes te manual de instru es e dos regulamentos especiais do seu...

Page 30: disjuntor diferencial residual reduz o risco de choque el trico Seguran a de pessoas Esteja sempre atento preste aten o ao que est a fazer e utilize a ferramenta el trica de forma sensata N o utili...

Page 31: ...sivos pode parti los Utilize sempre flanges de fixa o n o danifica das com o tamanho e a forma corretos para o disco abrasivo que escolheu Flanges adequadas apoiam o disco abrasivo reduzindo assim o p...

Page 32: ...e existente para as segurar o m ximo controlo poss vel das for as de um contragolpe ou dos bin rios de rea o durante a acelera o O operador consegue domi nar as for as do contragolpe e as for as de re...

Page 33: ...nta por exemplo os per odos em que a ferramenta el trica est desliga da e aqueles em que est ligada mas funciona sem press o Riscos residuais Mesmo quando esta ferramenta el ctrica utiliz ada adequada...

Page 34: ...Ligar Desligar Fig 7 NOTA Ligue o aparelho sempre antes do contacto com o material e s depois coloque o aparelho sobre a pe a a trabalhar A fresadora de abrir ro os est equipada com um arranque eletr...

Page 35: tipo no cabo de liga o Motor de corrente alternada A tens o de alimenta o deve ser de 230 V Cabos de extens o at 25 m de comprimento devem ter uma sec o transversal de 1 5 mil metros quadra dos As...

Page 36: ...4002 58 36 56 IT Avvertimento Per ridurre il rischio di lesioni leggete le istruzioni per l uso IT Indossate gli occhiali protettivi IT Grado di protezione II IT Portate cuffie antirumore IT Mettete...

Page 37: ...L et minima richiesta per gli opera tori deve essere assolutamente rispettata Oltre agli avvisi di sicurezza contenuti nelle presenti istruzioni per l uso e alle disposizioni speciali in vigore nel p...

Page 38: ...o evita il rischio di scosse elettriche Sicurezza delle persone Prestare sempre attenzione controllando le ope razioni in corso e procedendo con cura quando si lavora con un elettroutensile Non utiliz...

Page 39: ...ura della mola Il diametro esterno e lo spessore dell utensile montato devono corrispondere alle dimensioni dell elettroutensile in dotazione In caso di utilizzo di utensili di dimensioni sbagliate no...

Page 40: ...enere sotto controllo le forze di contraccolpo e quelle di reazione Non avvicinare mai la propria mano alla zona degli utensili in rotazione Nel corso dell azione di contraccolpo l utensile potrebbe p...

Page 41: ...spento e i tempi in cui acceso ma funziona senza carico Rischi residui Anche se questo elettroutensile viene utilizzato secondo le norme continuano a sussistere rischi residui In relazione alla strutt...

Page 42: ...dello scanalatore per muri m ATTENZIONE L apparecchio adatto esclusivamente per il taglio a secco Prima di lavorare con lo scanalatore per muri veri ficare con un rilevatore di linee se nelle pareti...

Page 43: ...imetri quadrati Gli allacciamenti e le riparazioni all impianto elettri co possono essere eseguiti soltanto da un elettricista qualificato In caso di domande indicare i seguenti dati Tipo di corrente...

Page 44: la puesta en servicio leer y seguir las instrucciones de servicio y seguridad ES Llevar gafas de protecci n ES Clase de protecci n II ES Llevar protecci n auditiva ES En caso de formaci n de polvo...

Page 45: ...mplirse la edad m nima requerida Adem s de las normas de seguridad contenidas en el presente manual de instrucciones y las normativas espe ciales de su pa s deben observarse las normas t cnicas genera...

Page 46: ...educe el riesgo de descarga el ctrica Si no puede evitarse el uso de la herramienta el ctrica en un entorno h medo utilice un inter ruptor diferencial residual Su uso reduce el ries go de descarga el...

Page 47: ...las abrasivas solo deben utilizarse para las aplicaciones recomendadas Por ejemplo no lije nunca con la superficie lateral de un disco de corte Los discos de corte est n previstos para arrancar el mat...

Page 48: ...ejar a de l seg n la direcci n de giro del disco en el punto de bloqueo Adem s las muelas abrasivas tambi n pueden romperse El retroceso es consecuencia de un uso incorrecto o inadecuado de la herrami...

Page 49: ...s vibraciones sea lo m s reducida posible Algunas medidas para reducir el ni vel de vibraciones son el uso de guantes al manejar la herramienta y la limitaci n del tiempo de trabajo Para ello deben te...

Page 50: ...ara la limpieza de la carcasa No utilice nunca bencina disolventes ni productos de limpieza que puedan da ar el pl stico m ADVERTENCIA Si es necesario cambiar el cable de conexi n encomiende su sustit...

Page 51: ...i n el ctrica con certificaci n H05VV F La impresi n de la denominaci n del tipo en el cable de conexi n es obligatoria Motor de corriente alterna La tensi n de la red debe ser de 230 V Los cables ala...

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Page 53: het volgende artikel voldoet aan de daarop betrekking hebbende EG richtlijnen en normen RUS PT declara o seguinte conformidade com a Directiva da UE e as normas para o seguinte artigo ES declara la...

Page 54: ...www scheppach com service scheppach com 49 08223 4002 99 49 08223 4002 58 54 56...

Page 55: ...fallas de material o de fabricaci n Las piezas que no son fabricadas por nosotros mismos ser n garantizadas hasta el punto que nos corresponda garant a del suministrador anterior Los costes por la col...

Page 56: ...ami defekti ir j pazi o 8 dienu laik no preces sa em anas Pret j gad jum pirc ja ties bas piepras t atl dz bu par diem defektiem ir sp k neeso as M s dodam garantiju sav m iek rt m ja pirc js pret t m...
