How to perform a “Software reset”? And why?
When Interface-settings are changed the CPU has to be restarted in order to adapt to the new settings. In the web interface
a pop up will appear when a restart is required:
A software reset can be performed in the web interface. It is important to understand that a software reset has no impact
on power distribution of the PDU. So a reset can be performed at any time without having to interrupt the power supply
and without losing the settings in the PDU.
TA PDU can be restarted using a paperclip or a similar sized object to press the reset button. This button is mounted
behind the hole labelled as ‘rst’ on the PDU next to the Ethernet connection port.
How to perform a “Factory reset”?
If the PDU can no longer be accessed through the local area network, for example, because settings have been changed,
restoring IP access may be required. The following procedure causes the PDU to adopt various default values, which
allows it to be redetected on the network without losing any of the other settings in the PDU. However, the power supply
must be interrupted in order to perform this restore procedure! The procedure is described in five steps:
1. Interrupt the power supply to the PDU.
2. Restore the power supply.
3. Wait for one second and afterwards press the reset button using a paper clip.
4. Wait for another second and press the reset button again.
5. Wait for another second and press the reset button again.
The PDU has now adopted the default values for the IP settings. The access control fields and the web server settings have
also been returned to the standard values.
Please note that because the power is removed, outlets will also be out of power. Hence, during this process there won’t
be any measuring.
Please keep in mind that kWh totals will
be reset during this process.
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V262_User manual
Schleifenbauer PDU