Operating instructions
Solenoid interlock
Further technical information can be found in the Schmersal
catalogues or in the online catalogue on the Internet:
The information contained in this operating instructions manual is
provided without liability and is subject to technical modifications.
There are no residual risks, provided that the safety instructions as
well as the instructions regarding mounting, commissioning, operation
and maintenance are observed.
1.6 Warning about misuse
In case of improper use or manipulation of the safety
switchgear, personal hazards or damages to machinery
or plant components cannot be excluded. The relevant
requirements of the standard ISO 14119 must be observed.
1.7 Exclusion of liability
We shall accept no liability for damages and malfunctions resulting from
defective mounting or failure to comply with this operating instructions
manual. The manufacturer shall accept no liability for damages
resulting from the use of unauthorised spare parts or accessories.
For safety reasons, invasive work on the device as well as arbitrary
repairs, conversions and modifications to the device are strictly
forbidden; the manufacturer shall accept no liability for damages
resulting from such invasive work, arbitrary repairs, conversions and/or
modifications to the device.
2. Product description
2.1 Ordering code
This operating instructions manual applies to the following types:
No. Option Description
1 Connector plug M12, 8-pin
2 Connector plug M12, 8-pin / 5-pin
Standard coding
Individual coding
Individual coding, re-teaching enabled
1 diagnostic output and 2 safety outputs, all p-type
(only in connection with ST)
2 diagnostic outputs and 2 safety outputs, all p-type
(only in connection with ST2)
Manual release
Emergency exit
With securing holes for Bowden cable assembly
Without electrical manual release
(only in connection with ST)
With electronic manual release
(only in connection with ST2)
Actuator AZM400-B1
Versions AZM400Z-...-BOW may only be used in connection
with Bowden cable release ACC-AZM400-BOW-.M-.M, which
is available as an accessory.
Use without the Bowden cable release fitted is not permissible.
Observe the additional information in the operating
instructions of the Bowden cable release.
2.2 Special versions
For special versions, which are not listed in the order code below 2.1,
these specifications apply accordingly, provided that they correspond to
the standard version.
2.3 Comprehensive quality insurance to 2006/42/EC
Schmersal is a certified company to appendix X of the Machinery
Directive. As a result, Schmersal is entitled to autonomously conduct
the conformity assessment procedure for the products listed in
Appendix IV of the MD without involving a notified body. The prototype
test certificates are available upon request or can be downloaded from
the Internet at www.schmersal.com.
2.4 Purpose
The non-contact, electronic solenoid interlock is designed for
application in safety circuits and is used for monitoring the position and
locking of movable safety guards.
The safety switchgears are classified according to ISO 14119
as type 4 interlocking devices. Designs with individual coding
are classified as highly coded.
The first of the two safety functions is the safe shut-down of both safety
outputs when unlocking or opening the guard system and making sure
that the switched-off position is maintained when the guard system is
open or unlocked (locking function).
The second safety function (interlocking function) is the safe
interlocking of a guard system which was locked only once. The locking
of the guard system may only be switched off when there is no fault and
a valid signal to unlock is present.
When the guard system is closed and there is a valid two-channel control
signal applied by the user or through the controller, the locking bolt of the
AZM400 can be driven out. As soon as the locking bolt have reached
sufficient depth in the locking hole the guard system is considered to be
safely locked.
The AZM400 solenoid interlock is a bi-stable system, which means the
interlock remains in the last position if power is lost.
The user must evaluate and design the safety chain in
accordance with the relevant standards and the required
safety level.
If multiple safety sensors are involved in the same safety
function, the PFH values of the individual components must
be added.
The entire concept of the control system, in which the safety
component is integrated, must be validated to the relevant