- Muting with 2 sensors, diagonal arrangement
The arrangement shows the muting application with two sensors crosswise arranged. This arrangement
enables material transport in two directions.
S1 = Distance MS 1 to PF
S2 = Distance MS 2 to PF
S3 = Length of material
MS 1 = Muting sensor 1
MS 2 = Muting sensor 2
ULS = Mirror
TRU = emitting-/receiving-unit SLG 425IP
VB = Conveyor speed (m/s)
PF = protective field
The schematic diagram shows the arrangement of the muting sensors for unambiguous detection of the
sensor sequence with greater distance. Please consider the smallest possible distance of the MS to the
material to be transported. The distance between MS1 and MS2 to the protective field of the SLG 422/425I-Pmust
be kept as low as possible.
S3 > S1 + S2
S1 = Conveyor distance VB (m/s) * 0,05 s
The muting cycle as follows:
MS1- MS2- SF- MS 2 End
Selectable options:
Conveyor stop, Override, muting cycle shortened, protective field range
Default setting:
Material transport in both directions
Arrange the muting sensors in a way that a unique sequencing of the sensors is ensured.
The intersection of the two muting sensors should always be within the danger zone.
- Muting with 4 sensors, parallel arrangement
The arrangement shows the muting application with four sensors in parallel. This arrangement enables the
Material transport in both directions.
S1 = Distance of inner MS to PF
S2 = Distance between two MS
S3 = Length of material
MS 1 = muting sensor 1
MS 2 = muting sensor 2
MS 3 = muting sensor 3
MS 4 = muting sensor 4
ULS = Mirror
TRU = emitting-/receiving-unit SLG 425IP
VB = Conveyor speed (m/s)
S3 > 2(S1 + S2) ; S1 = S2
S1 = Conveyor speed VB (m/s) * 0,05 s
The muting cycle as follows:
MS1- MS2- SF- MS 3 End
MS4- MS3- SF- MS 2 End
Selectable options:
Conveyor stop, Override, muting cycle shortened, protective field range
Default setting:
Material transport in both directions
The arrangement with 2 muting sensors each has a symmetrical arrangement in front of and after the
protective field of the SLG 425I-P.
Page 14
Subject to technical changes
Safety light grid SLG 422/ 425I-P