Elevator positioning system USP 30 / 100
Remove all strips of adhesive tape at the mounting device. Ple-
ase observe that the end of the wire is sharp-edged.
Pull the signal wire slightly out of the coil. Carefully release the
breaking strap out of the coil.
Thread the signal wire from below, first through the transmitter
and then through the receiver. Guide sufficient wire through the
two elements so that you can carry out the installation of the
damper in front of you.
Push the links back into in the mounting device and put the
mounting device down on the elevator cabin roof without kin-
king the signal wire.
Take a damper from the USP packing box.
Guide the signal wire, as illustrated, about 10 cm from the in-
side through the hole of the one damper half. Kink the signal
wire in an angle > 90º and lay it on the outside groove and in the
middle on the damper.
The signal wire is spring-loaded and is sharp-edged.
Take suitable precautions. Wear protective glasses
and gloves.
Function errors due to kinks in
the signal wire!
Kinks in the freely suspended signal
wire can cause function errors in si-
gnal transmission. Handle the signal
wire with extreme care. Only kink
the wire when you install it in the
USP_Montage_GB.indd 44
18.02.2013 15:39:44