Tel: 800/323-1332
Geo. T. Schmidt, Inc. 6151 W. Howard Street
Tel: 847/ 647-7117
Fax: 800/934-3437
Niles, Illinois 60714-3488
Fax: 847/ 647-7593
Servicing the Model 4 and 6 Nameplate Detail Presses
The most common replacement on the nameplate detail press is the ram, part
number 033074, detail 28. This device carries the character dial up and down
while making a mark, so it receives the most wear. We recommend replacing the
depth adjustment screw (part number 033086, detail 39-44) at the same time the
ram is replaced.
The most common adjustments are for tag thickness and table spacing
The following tools will be needed to service the Model 4 and 6:
3/32” long arm hex key
3/16” long arm hex key
5/16” box / open end
3/8” box / open end wrench
6” adjustable wrench
slotted blade screwdriver
6-inch scale
Note: On machines prior to serial number 45000, the jam nut on the bell crank
screw was 7/16” across the flats, hence the reason for the adjustable wrench in
addition to the box /open end wrenches.