Tel: 800/323-1332
Geo. T. Schmidt, Inc. 6151 W. Howard Street
Tel: 847/ 647-7117
Fax: 800/934-3437
Niles, Illinois 60714-3488
Fax: 847/ 647-7593
11. Raise operating handle and turn the depth adjustment screw clockwise until
the operating handle can be pulled down no further than slightly above the 9
o’clock (horizontal) position.
12. Slide the table back onto the machine and replace the stop screw on the
table slide assembly.
13. Install the character dial on the machine.
Important Note!! - It is crucial that when making a mark with your Model 4
or 6, the operating handle should not be pulled down past the 9 o’clock
(horizontal) position. The head of the depth adjustment screw (39-44)
should hit the machine casting when the operating handle is pulled down
to the 9 o’clock (horizontal) position. This will control the depth of mark
and avoid bending the depth adjustment screw and breaking the ram.