3. Settings.
Settings and adjustments to the product or accessories may only be made
by people who have been given the necessary instructions by a medical
product advisor. Please ensure that none of the user's extremities are in
the respective area when making adjustments of any kind to minimise the
risk of injury.
3.1 Reclining surface height angle of incli-
nation of head section
The reclining surface height and back angle
are adjusted via the manual control. The ad-
justment of the reclining surface height takes
place by pressing the two
A buttons
. Using
B buttons,
the angle of the head section
is adjusted. On the single-section cradle sys-
tem, the
B buttons
are used to adjust the tilt
angle of the reclining surface.
Using the emergency off switch (
), you can
suppress the manual control function against
inadvertent activation.
3.2 Leg angle
The leg section on the three-section crad-
le system is to be angle-adjusted via a gas
pressure spring, and is equipped with an ad-
ditional mechanical adjustment for support.
First release the star handle (
) on the me-
chanical support located under the reclining
surface, then press the lever (
) to activate
the gas pressure spring, after which the ang-
le of the leg section can be adjusted.
Then re-tighten the star handle again.
3.3 Seat angle
After unscrewing the two screws (
) on the
right and left-hand sides, the seat angle can
be adjusted stepwise with the three-section
cradle system via the perforated rail. Reinsert
the screws in the required position and tigh-
ten them firmly.
Reinsert the screws in the required position and tighten them firmly.