The top row of pushbuttons does noth ing. The bot tom row of
pushbuttons se lects the au dio to be heard on the head phones. The
au dio from the trans ceiver se lected with the MIC SE LECT switch
will be au to mat i cally heard on the head phones.
The MIC SE LECT switch per forms sev eral func tions. It routes mi -
cro phone au dio and key ing to the ap pro pri ate trans ceiver. and
routes se lected trans ceiver au dio to the head phones. In the P.A. po -
si tion, no func tion is pro vided. In the EXT po si tion, no func tion is
pro vided.
The “EMG” po si tion on the “MIC SE LECT” switch pro vides a
straight through con nec tion to Comm #1. It may be used in the
event of au dio panel fail ure.
The KMA 24H has five ICS (In ter com Sta tion) in puts: pi lot, co-pi -
lot and three oth ers. These in puts are al ways ac tive or “hot”. The
vol ume of all five ICS in puts is con trolled by the in ner knob INT
VOL (In ter com vol ume) con trol on the front panel. This con trol af -
fects the vol ume of in ter com only, it does not af fect the vol ume of
the au dio in puts se lected with the pushbuttons. When the outer
“VOX” knob is ro tated full clock wise, the KMA 24H pro vides
“HOT MIC” in ter com op er a tion. The outer “VOX” knob can be
ad justed to pro vide voice ac ti vated “VOX” op er a tion by ro tat ing
the knob from the full coun ter clock wise po si tion to wards the full
clock wise po si tion. De pending on am bi ent noise lev els, this
“VOX” ac ti va tion point can be ad justed to elim i nate back ground
noise while still ac ti vat ing when a voice is di rected into a mi cro -
phone. When the outer “VOX” knob is ro tated full
couterclockwise, an ICS key must be used to ac ti vate the in ter com
and no back ground noise will be heard un til the ICS is keyed.
Keying the pi lot or co-pi lots mi cro phones for trans mit will cause
trans mis sion over the trans ceiver se lected by the MIC SE LECT
FAA Approved: 03 Oct 1995
Revised: 17 Apr 1996