successful num er se uence will
display th
e reset screen.
a a
cientific ir ana ement uses e clusively manufacture 253.7
nanometer (nm) wavelen th
li ht fi tures.
253.7 nm li hts
create e treme ermici al capa ilities with ero o one pro uction.
he useful life of our
li hts are reatly increase y precision
esi n of our i nition on off cycle an allast electrical construction.
urther enhancin the effective ermici al lon evity of our
is the
inherently esi ne
pre filter an air flow eepin the
li ht fi ture e ris free an constantly coole .
li hts are rate
an output teste for 1
ra ually to 2 intensity for
253.7 nm
li hts are rate an factory certifie
for 1
ra ually to 2 intensity for
253.7 nm
anual croll rrows
eft an Ri ht arrow uttons
at the ottom of each screen
allow the user to ump forwar
or ac from each screen with
out havin to wait for the ve
(5) secon timeout.
ntry to this screen re uires the
user to press on the 4 corners of the
screen in a speci c se uence as
f a screen chan e occurs urin the
time the user is enterin the num er
se uence the se uence will continue
una ecte .
f the se uence is not entere correct
ly the reset se uence will imme i
ately cancel an the screen cycle will
continue una ecte . he user must
also complete the se uence within 5
secon s to avoi cancellation.
he user has 5 secon s to con rm
or re ect the reset re uest efore the
screen isappears an the 4 screen
se uence resumes.
Car on Filter
cientific ir ana ement uses uses a proprietary treate car on
su strate to accomplish physical a sorption an chemisorption. his
su strate has a much lar er particle si e with a small e ternal
surface thus ma in the total num er of pores an filtration surface
vast (up to five micron miles). he su strate use in our canisters is
chemically impre nate for several ran es in containment filtration to
assist in the a sorption process. his process ecreases moisture
a sorption while increasin filter efficacy an lon evity. ar on
filtration lon evity is enhance y particulate pre filter
peratin in avera e facility humi ity 3 . 6 in m rea in .
anufacturer certifie for a sorption (1
) to rea
out a sorption (
) at stan ar rate fan spee
in uction. hart represents 1
throu h ra ual
65 non rea out capacity for
ar on ilter onitorin sorption aintenance urv