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P/N 595189-01 Rev A 4/10
The high PhySicAl And/or emoTionAl
level ASSociATed WiTh emergency
SiTuATionS Tend To increASe breATh-
ing rATe And To decreASe The AcTuAl
durATion of The Self-conTAined Air
SuPPly. fAilure To conSider TheSe
fAcTorS mAy reSulT in SeriouS inJury
or deATh.
do noT uSe ThiS reSPirATor in A PreS-
SuriZed environmenT. The durATion of
The Self-conTAined Air cylinder on
ThiS reSPirATor Will be SignificAnTly
ShorTer in A PreSSuriZed ATmoSPhere
And mAy noT Provide AdeQuATe Time
for eScAPe reSulTing in SeriouS inJury
or deATh.
The Purge vAlve iS An emergency con-
Trol for uSe only in The evenT of A
fAilure of The mASK mounTed breATh-
ing regulATor. oPening The Purge
vAlve for Any oTher reASon While
The reSPirATor iS being SuPPlied WiTh
Air from The eScAPe Air SuPPly cyl-
inder could exhAuST The reSPirATor
Air SuPPly in AS liTTle AS 2 minuTeS
And mAy reSulT in Sudden TerminATion
of breAThing Air Which could cAuSe
SeriouS inJury or deATh.
durATion of The reSPirATor
The SKA-PAK AT respirator is rated and approved by NIOSH as a
combination self-contained breathing apparatus for escape and pres-
sure demand Type C supplied-air respirator.
The duration of this respirator, when used as a Type C supplied-air
respirator, is limited only by the capacity of the air-supply system.
The duration of this respirator during use as an escape only SCBA
is limited by the capacity of the self-contained air supply cylinder on
the waist belt. The cylinder's rated duration is marked on the cylinder.
The user should not expect to obtain exactly the stated duration of
breathing air during each use of the self-contained air supply cylin-
der. The user’s breathing rate may be more or less than the 40 lpm
respiration standard used in the NIOSH tests. Depending on activity
and respiration rate, the actual duration may be less than 1/2 the
rated duration of the air supply cylinder.
The length of time the self-contained air supply cylinder will continue
to provide breathing air during any one use depends on such factors
1. The degree of physical activity of the user.
2. The physical condition of the user.
3. The degree to which the user's breathing is affected by excite-
ment, fear or other emotional factors.
4. The degree of training or experience the user has with this or
similar equipment.
5. Whether or not the cylinder is fully charged at the start of the use
6. The possible presence in the compressed air of carbon dioxide
concentrations greater than .04% normally found in atmospheric
7. The atmospheric pressure; for example, if used in a pressurized
tunnel or caisson at 2 atmospheres (15 psig gauge) the duration
will be one-half as long as when used at 1 atmosphere; and at 3
atmospheres will be one-third as long.
8. Loose or improperly fitting facepiece.
9. Whether the purge valve is open.
10. The condition of the respirator.
inTrinSic SAfeTy
The SCOTT SKA-PAK AT respirator equipped with an electronic
end of time indicator (ELECTRONIC alarm) is listed by SGS U. S.
TESTING COMPANY INC. as intrinsically safe per ANSI/UL Std.
UL-913 for use in Class I, II, III, Groups A, B, C, D, E, F, and G
Hazardous Locations when powered by one of the following 9 volt
batteries: Energizer
Alkaline No. 522 or EN22, Duracell
No. PC 1604 or MN 1604, or for increased service life use Ultralife
Lithium Battery No. U9VL.
– Substitution of Components May Impair Intrinsic Safety. To
reduce the risk of ignition of a flammable atmosphere, batteries must only
be changed in an area known to be nonflammable. To reduce the risk of ex-
plosion, do not mix old batteries with unused batteries, or mix batteries from
different manufacturers.
The electronic end of service time indicator has not been evalu-
ated as an ignition source in explosive or flammable atmosphere
regulArly inSPecT The SKA-PAK AT
reSPirATor including The elecTronic
AlArm AS deScribed in ThiS inSTruc-
Tion. verify ThAT The ProPer bATTer-
ieS Are uSed And ThAT There iS no
dAmAge To or modificATion of The
uniT ThAT Would imPAir The inTrinSic
SAfeTy. if The SKA-PAK AT iS uSed in An
exPloSive or flAmmAble ATmoSPhere,
fAilure To correcT condiTionS ThAT
mAy imPAir The inTrinSic SAfeTy of
The eQuiPmenT mAy leAd To A fire or
An exPloSion Which could reSulT in
SeriouS inJury or deATh.
Energizer is a registered trademark of Eveready Battery Company, Inc., St. Louis, MO.
Duracell is a registered trademark of the Procter & Gamble Company, Cincinnati, OH .
Ultralife is a registered trademark of Ultralife Batteries, Inc., Newark, NY.
QueSTionS or concernS
If you have any questions or concerns regarding use of this equipment, contact
your authorized SCOTT distributor, or contact SCOTT at 1-800-247-7257 (or
704-291-8300 outside the continental United States) or visit our web site at