User manual
“ Speed Source”: The method to get speed, GPS/Pulse Signal Optional, Press [OK] for changing;
“ Pulse Number”:Must set Pulse factor for the standard if using Pulse to get car speed information,press
Numbers for changing,can search vehicle data or constant speed by several times setting for a certain number
“ Unit”: Driving Speed Unit,Press [OK] For Changing Setting
“Timeout Parking”\”Low Speed Alarm” \”Low Speed Warning”\”High Speed Warning” :by Enable to
open or close alarm function,Level setting for alarm trigger response speed and time; Delay: alarm
time ;Record: if recording when alarm appear;Linkage: When alarm occurs if linkage with alarm output;
4.7.3 Acceleration
SET G-sensor information of alarm threshold and linkage actions.
Before configuration, need to calibrate the current state first, then modify the alarm threshold.
4.7.4 Motion Detection
This menu is to set the image changes and the parameters of the object in the video pictures.