Version 5
page 4
Welcome Message
Dear SonaVu™ Customer,
Thank you for entrusting your acoustic imaging camera needs to SonaVu™. This
leading-edge technology is in
its infancy and you have invested in the finest technology available today.
SDT is the world’s favourite ultrasound company. In business nearly a hal
f century, we manufacture ultrasound
solutions for the world’s biggest and best companies. Our mission is to give you a better understanding about
the health of your assets and the reliability of your facility. SonaVu™ helps accomplish your reliability and
sustainability goals in many ways.
To get the most from your investment in SonaVu™ I urge you to read this manual in its entirety. It contains
many tips for the safe, trouble-free operation and long-life of your product. Additionally, visit our website
) often for new content including case studies, operational guidance, and news releases
about SonaVu™.
Allan Rienstra
SDT Ultrasound Solutions,
Division of SDT North America Inc.