Elevator control horn.
1) Install the elevator control horn using
the same method as with the aileron control
2) Position the elevator control horn on
the both side of elevator.
4) When you are sure that everything is
aligned correctly, mix up a generous amount of
Flash 30 Minute Epoxy. Apply a thin layer to the
mounting slot and to bottom of the vertical sta-
bilizer mounting area. Apply epoxy to the bot-
tom and top edges of the filler block and to the
lower hinge also. Set the stabilizer in place
and realign. Double check all of your measure-
ments once more before the epoxy cures. Hold
the stabilizer in place with T-pins or masking
tape and remove any excess epoxy using a
paper towel and rubbing alcohol. Allow the ep-
oxy to fully cure before proceeding.
Rudder control horn.
Elevator control horn.
Elevator pushrod.
Rudder pushrod.
M2 lock nut.
M2 clevis.
4) Elevator and rudder pushrods assembly
as pictures below.
3) Thread one clevis and M3 lock nut on
to each elevator control rod. Thread the horns
on until they are flush with the ends of the con-
trol rods.
Elevator pushrod.
Rudder control horn.
M3 Clevis.
Rudder pushrod.
Metal connector.
Cable end.