Instruction Manual
Accurately mark the balance point on the top
of the wing on both sides of the fuselage. The
balance point is located
94 mm
back from the
leading edge of the wing at the wing root. This
is the balance point at which your model
should balance for your first flights. Later, you
may wish to experiment by shifting the balance
up to 10mm forward or back to change the
flying characteristics. Moving the balance
forward may improve the smoothness and
arrow- like tracking, but it may then require
more speed for take off and make it more
difficult to slow down for landing. Moving the
balance aft makes the model more agile with
a lighter and snappier ”feel”. In any case,please
start at the location we recommend .
With the wing attached to the fuselage, all
parts of the model installed ( ready to fly), and
empty fuel tanks, hold the model at the
marked balance point with the stabilizer level.
Lift the model. If the tail drops when you lift,
the model is “tail heavy” and you must add
weight* to the nose. If the nose drops, it is
“nose heavy” and you must add weight* to the
tail to balance.
*If possible, first attempt to balance the model
by changing the position of the receiver battery
and receiver. If you are unable to obtain good
balance by doing so, then it will be necessary
to add weight to the nose or tail to achieve the
proper balance point.
Ailerons: 10mm low rate 12mm high rate.
Elevator: 10mm low rate 12mm high rate.
Rudder: 20mm low rate 30mm high rate.