a) Use 200 speed 24 exposure film and 2
fresh AA Alkaline batteries. Replace
batteries if “Flash Ready” light takes
more than 12 seconds to recycle.
b) Turn camera power ON (below lens of
inner camera) by opening lens cover
c) Before loading film, push shutter button
once to test camera advance.
d) Insert film roll. Make sure roll is properly
seated onto rewind shaft.
e) Pull film tab over and into take-up spool
and press shutter until film engages.
Film should lay flat across film plane and
sprocket teeth.
f) Close film door. If the film door is
obstructed by film roll, remove and re-
insert roll until film door closes without
any obstruction.
g) Push Shutter button to advance film to
picture “1” in the frame counter window.
h) You might advance film by one frame
with the film door open to check proper
advance and position of the film.
c) Loading Film and Fresh Batteries
Advance until frame counter reads 1. Film
counter turns red 4 frames before end of film.
Close door. If hatch does not close easily,
film cartridge is not in correct position.