Operating Instructions
If the measured value is greater than or equal to the
1 Mohm pass/fail threshold, the measured value is
displayed and the unit indicates a pass result.
3.2 Testing a Class I Appliance with Leakage
Visually inspect the appliance as per requirements of
AS/NZS 3760:2010. If the appliance passes a visual
inspection proceed with the electrical tests.
Plug the mains lead into the PAC3760 DL and a mains
supply socket.
When plugging the mains lead into the
PAC3760 DL ensure that the polarity
orientation of the connector is correct.
CONNECTOR, doing so may damage the
Plug the earth test lead into the Earth Continuity test
terminal on the PAC3760 DL end panel.
Plug the appliance into the PAC3760 DL front panel
test socket.
Connect the earth test probe to an exposed metal
part on the appliance.
If the Appliance under test has an ON/OFF switch,
make sure it is in the ON position.
Press and hold the Leakage button and then the Class
I test button.
The PAC3760 DL will now test the continuity of the
protective earth.
If the measured value is greater than the 1 ohm pass/
fail threshold, the measured value is displayed and the
unit indicates a fail.
If the measured value is less than or equal to the 1 ohm
pass/fail threshold, the measured value is displayed
and the unit indicates a pass result.
The unit will proceed with a Leakage test.
PAC3760 DL