G3 dp
5 Operation
Setting level
Pressing the Mode button once selects the Level Mode, in which you
can adjust the output volume in 3 dB steps. There are four settings
available: +3 dB, 0 dB (standard), -3 dB and -6 dB. The setting is
done by pressing the Set button. The Level LED lights to indicate
which mode is activated. The four vertically aligned LEDs (lit green in
this mode) indicate which setting is selected.
Recalling presets
Pressing the Mode button twice selects the Preset Mode. Three different presets with an each
switchable Soft Mode are available in each bank for selection via the Set button. The four vertically
aligned LEDs indicate the current selection. The Soft Mode is activated in the preset when the bot-
tom of the four vertical LEDs lights up.
Increasing the length of the line source of the G3 system results in a
level addition in the low-mid range and stronger bundling compared to
a single system. The presets "Flat", "-Low" and "--Low" therefore can
be selected to adjust the frequency response, depending on the
length of the line source and the throw distance. The choice of the
preset should also be made according to room size and listening hab-