Technical Notice
FI 72.0190.1021E
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Mini air flow rate alarm:
If the calculated air flow is less that the set value for longer than the set time delay:
- the mini flow alarm appears
- the K1 led is lit up
- the K1 relay is at rest (contact between 11 and 12)
If the circulated air flow rate is greater than the value set for longer than the set time delay:
- the mini air flow alarm disappears.
- the K1 led is extinguished
- the K1 relay is supplied (contact between 11 and 14)
Maxi air flow rate alarm:
If the air flow rate is greater than the value set for longer than the set time delay:
- the maxi air flow alarm appears
- the K2 led is lit up
- the K2 relay is at rest (contact between 21 and 22)
If the calculated air flow rate is less than the value set for longer than the set time delay:
- the maxi air flow alarm disappears.
- the K2 led is extinguished
- the K2 relay is supplied (contact between 21 and 24)
Temperature alarm:
If the temperature is higher than the value set for longer than the time delay set
or if the analogue input is defective (<3mA):
- the temperature alarm appears
- the K3 led is lit up
- the K3 relay is at rest (contact between 31 and 32)
If the temperature is lower than the value set for longer than the time delay set:
- the temperature alarm disappears.
- the K3 led is extinguished
- the K3 relay is supplied (contact between 31 and 34)
Mini and Maxi absolute pressure alarm:
If the measured absolute pressure is less than the mini threshold or greater than the maxi threshold for
longer than the time delay set:
- the absolute pressure alarm appears
- the K4 led is lit up
- the K4 relay is at rest (contact between 41 and 42)
If the measured absolute pressure is between the mini threshold and the maxi threshold for longer than the
time delay set:
- the absolute pressure alarm disappears.
- the K4 led is extinguished
- the K4 led is supplied (contact between 41 and 44)