Version 2.0
Segway RMP – User Guide
20277-00001 aa
Balance Mode:
Dynamically stabilized operation of the RMP.
Controller Area Network, a two-wire differential serial bus.
Emergency stop. A switch that immediately disables the RMP.
The portion of the Segway HT or RMP that includes the chassis, batteries,
motors, gearboxes, and balance electronics.
Safety Shutdown: A state that is activated if the RMP recognizes a fault in any of its systems.
The RMP lets its operator know it is performing a safety shutdown by
beeping, shaking, and slowing to a stop. A safety shutdown may also be
triggered by low battery power. Once a safety shutdown has begun, the RMP
will have approximately 10 seconds of operating time before shutting down
and falling over (if in balance mode).
Tractor Mode:
Operation of the RMP without dynamic stabilization. The RMP must be
stabilized by another point of contact to operate in Tractor mode without
User Interface (UI): Part of the RMP that communicates with the host computer and relays
commands to the power base.
Universal Serial Bus.