With all the challenges you can encounter off-road, there's chance
that sometime something may go wrong. This section gives
practical advice to help you deal with a wide range of problems.
Take time to read this section before you ride.
Drive belt and cover problems
Possible Cause
Driving the ATV onto a
pickup or tall trailer in
high range
Shift transmission to low range
during loading of the ATV to prevent
belt burning.
Starting out going up a
steep incline
When starting out on an incline, use low
range or dismount the ATV (after first
applying the park brake) and perform
the K-turn as described on page 77.
Driving at low RPM or
low ground speed
(at approx.
3-6 MPH
(5-10 km/h))
Drive at a higher speed or use low
range more frequently. The use of
low range is highly recommended for
cooler CVT operating temperatures
and longer component life.
Insufficient warm-up
of ATVs exposed to low
ambient temperatures
Warm the engine before driving. The
belt will become more flexible and
prevent belt burning.
Slow and easy clutch
U s e t h e t h r o t t l e q u i c k l y a n d
effectively for efficient Engagement.
Towing/pushing at low
RPM/low ground speed
Use low range only.
U t i l i t y u s e /p l o w i n g
snow, dirt, etc
Use low range only.