Timing control type
If the sheet has pre-printed timing marks, the scanning area (reading area) of targeted mark
frames will be determined by such timing marks.
Timing control type is a method to determine the reading zone based on the timing mark width.
Other methods include direct under type and mark to mark type.
Example: Timing control type to scan three times the timing mark width.
Set multiple numbers using the software controlling OMR.
Sensor (for reading) Reading sensor/position sensor
Sensors are photoelectrical elements that transform reflected light. Sometimes sensing refers to
both light emission and light reception.
LED wavelength influences dropout color. We use mainly two wavelengths, and the relationships
between wavelength, dropout colors, and readable colors are shown in the table below.
Dropout color
Readable color
Infra red
Colors other than readable
Black and blue pigments
Visible light (red)
Red, orange, pink
Black, blue
Reading area
N times the width of
a timing mark
Reading area
N times the width of
a timing mark
• Top-end timing control type:
Reads n times the width of a timing mark
from the beginning of the timing mark.
• Bottom-end timing control type:
Reads n times the width of a timing mark
from the end of the timing mark.
Reading area
N times the width of
a timing mark
Reading area
N times the width of
a timing mark
• Top-end timing control type:
Reads n times the width of a timing mark
from the beginning of the timing mark.
• Bottom-end timing control type:
Reads n times the width of a timing mark
from the end of the timing mark.