Date Code 20010214
SEL-2505 Remote I/O Module
SEL-2505 Remote I/O Module
Instruction Manual
The SEL-2505 is a remote I/O module
that has eight contact inputs and eight
contact outputs. The status of these
inputs and outputs are communicated
between the SEL-2505 and host device
using M
™ communica-
tions over a dedicated fiber-optic port.
Each contact input controls one of the
eight M
transmit bits,
while each of the eight received
controls a Form C
output contact. Use the transmitted
contact input status for control and
indication of a remote device.
Communications Ability
helps you simplify and
improve existing or new
Add bus protection using
existing relay contact
inputs and outputs.
Add simple pilot
communications to existing two- or three-terminal line applications.
Isolate relay and breaker dc supplies for breaker failure trip distribution schemes.
Replace control wiring to outside cabinets with fiber to reduce dc ground exposure.
Add local or remote trip and close coil monitoring capabilities.
Compact Size
permits panel-mount replacement of existing auxiliary relays.
increases reliability of auxiliary relay functions.
Simple Diagnostics
consisting of 22 LEDs that indicate contact input, output, channel, and
device status.
Fiber Optics and Channel Monitoring
increase scheme security.
Three Models
provide a wide range of applicable communication paths: 650 nm multimode
fiber for communications paths
500 m, 850 nm multimode fiber for paths
15 km, or 1300 nm
single-mode fiber for paths
80 km.
Fast Operating Speed
compares with high-speed auxiliary relays.
Features, Benefits, and Applications