7. Braille Table:
This option allows you to choose which Braille table is used when
opening .brl files in the Notepad. Available settings are
“Spanish”/ “French”/
“German”/ “Italian”/ “English”, “UK”, “Polish”, “Denmark”, “Turkey” and
“Hebrew”. The default is “English”. Use “Space” to cycle through the
available options. If you want to cancel the option setting, press
‘Esc’ key
and you are returned to the main menu.
8. Message Display Time: Ignore/1sec/2sec/3sec/4sec/5sec/Stand by
This option defines how the Braille EDGE 40 deals with system messages.
You can set the unit to ignore system messages, to stand by until you press
a key, or, you can define how long the message remains on the display
before automatically disappearing.
The available settings are “Ignore”, “1sec”, “2sec”, “3sec”, “4sec”, “5sec”,
and “Stand by”.
The default setting is “3 seconds”. Use “Space” to increase the message
display time by one second. If this option is set
to “standby”, the message
remains indefinitely until you press a key. If you choose “Ignore,” messages
are ignored and do not appear on the display.
9. Power Saving Mode: On/Off
This option allows you to choose whether Braille EDGE 40 automatically
enters power saving mode after 10 minutes of inactivity. If this option is set
“On”, Braille EDGE 40 automatically goes into power saving mode, when
the unit is not used for 10 minutes. The default is set to
“On”. Use “Space”
to toggle this option. If you want to cancel the option setting, press
‘Esc’ key
and you are returned to the main menu.
6. Notepad Grade: Contracted/Uncontracted/Computer Braille