8. Command Summary
General shortcuts
Move to the next item in a menu or list: down navigation button or Space-4
Move to the previous item in a menu or list: up navigation button or Space-
Move to the first item in a menu or list: up navigation button-left navigation
button or Space-1-3
Move to the last item in a menu or list: down navigation button-right
navigation button or Space-4-6
Move to the next 40 items: Ctrl-up navigation button or Space-1-2-6
Move to the previous 40 items: Ctrl-down navigation button or Space-3-4-5
Execute program: Enter, or right navigation button, or cursor routing key
Enter sub folder: Enter, or right navigation button, or cursor routing key
Cancel: Esc key or left navigation button
Exit: Space-z (dots 1-3-5-6) or Esc key.
Enter folder or open file: right navigation button or Enter
Move back a level in the folder structure: left navigation button or
Open the menu: Space-1-2-4 or Alt
Open new document: Ctrl-N (dots 1-3-4-5)
Open recent document: Ctrl-P (dots 1-2-3-4)
Open document in
‘read only’ mode: Ctrl-R (dots1-2-3-5)
Move to previous line: Space-1 or up navigation button.
Move to next line: Space-4 or down navigation button.
Move to beginning of line: Space-1-3
Move to end of line: Space-4-6