Please read these nstruct ons carefully before you start to assemble th s carport.
Please carry out the steps n the order set out n these nstruct ons.
Keep these nstruct ons n a safe place for future reference.
Care and Safety adv ce
* Please follow the nstruct ons as l sted n th s manual.
* Sort the parts and check aga nst the l st of contents.
* For safety purposes we strongly recommend that the product w ll be assembled
by at least two people
* Some parts have metal edges. Please be careful when handl ng components.
* Always wear gloves, shoes and safety goggles dur ng assembly.
* Do not attempt to assemble the carport n w ndy or wet cond t ons.
* D spose of all plast c bags safely - keep them out of reach of small ch ldren.
* Keep ch ldren away from the assembly area.
* Do not attempt to assemble the carport f you are t red,
* When us ng a stepladder or power tools, ensure that you are follow the
manufacturer's safety adv ce.
* Do not cl mb or stand on the roof.
* Heavy art cles should not be leaned aga nst the poles.
* Please consult your local author t es f any perm ts are requ red to erect carport.
* Keep roof and gutters clean of snow, d rt & leaves.
* Heavy amounts of snow on roof can damage the carport mak ng t unsafe to
stand below or nearby.
* Th s product was des gned and produced to be a carport only.
40 cm
40 cm
40 cm
1. In case of a defect ve or damaged part, or for any other quest ons concern ng
the product, please contact the manufacturer d rectly.
2. Please have the parts l st and part numbers on hand when order ng or
request ng replacement parts.
3. When clean ng, use m ld soap or detergent, warm water, and a washcloth or sponge.
4. Wh le the product s des gned for 4 seasons use, t s strongly recommended to
clear snow from the roof on a regular bas s.
1. The product s not warranted aga nst damages due to vandal sm, abuse, or fall ng
or thrown objects.
2. The product s not warranted aga nst damages due to extreme weather cond t ons,
such as thunderstorms, ha l, strong w nd or snow storms, or any other acts of God.
3. The product s only warranted n the event t s nstalled n accordance w th the
Transpa Forza wr tten nstruct ons enclosed w th the product.
4. The product s not warranted n the event t has been mproperly anchored.
Prepare the holes of 40x40x40 cm for all the post.
Make a anchorage ,and fill w th concrete
In case of ground s a so l , prepare a hole of 40x40x40 cm
for all the post. Make a anchorage , and fill w th concrete .
Follow the top nstract ons