background image


Chanun Ace User’s Guide

Constitution of the Product

* The components of this product are subject to change without prior notice for the purpose of improving their performance.  

You need to purchase additional parts other than those provided in the basic bundle as well as other accessory items.  

Programs and User Manual

Programs and User Manual

Download them from the 

archive of our

 Homepage at

Check if all of the following components are delivered when you purchase the product. (The parts provided in the package may vary in appearance and color depending on models)

Main body

Front / Rear view camera

Cigar jack

Memory card

WiFi dongle

Camera cable

Quick reference guide

BlackBox Inside sticker

GPS cable (Optional)

제품 구성품

* 본 제품의 구성품은 제품 성능의 향상을 위해 사전 예고없이 변경될 수 있으며, 
  기본품 (본체)외 추가 요청시에는 별도 구매하셔야 합니다.

사용시 주의 사항

메모리 카드를 넣고 뺄 때는 블랙박스 전원을 꺼 주시기 바랍니다. 
블랙박스와 함께 제공된 정품 메모리 카드를 사용해 주시기 바랍니다. 

(권장 사항)

메모리 카드에는 쓰기/읽기 수명이 있기 때문에 장기간 사용하면 데이터 기록의 오류가 발생할 수 있습니다. 
이런 경우에는 새 메모리 카드를 구입하여 사용하시기 바랍니다. 

(장기간 쓰기/읽기로 인한 데이터의 오류, 

미 기록에 관해서 당사는 일체 그 책임을 지지 않기 때문에 미리 양해 부탁 드립니다.)

정기적으로 포맷하여 사용하시면 SD 메모리 카드의 사용기간을 연장할 수 있습니다. 

(권장 포맷횟수 2주 1회)


SD 카드를 포맷하기 전 중요 영상파일은 반드시 백업하여 주시기 바랍니다.
메모리 카드에 충격을 가하지 마십시오. 
메모리 카드 접촉면에 먼지나 이물이 묻지 않도록 주의 바랍니다.
촬영 상태에서 메모리 카드를 꺼내지 마십시오. 메모리 카드 내의 데이터 파손되는 원인이 됩니다. 
제공된 정품 메모리 카드는 타 기종과 혼용하여 사용하지 마십시오. 
타 기종에 사용한 메모리를 블랙박스에 적용하시면 녹화 오동작이 발생할 수 있습니다.  

※ 비정상적인 전원 연결 사용시 발생하는 문제에 대해서는 본사는 일체 책임지지 않으며 무상 AS 또한 불가합니다.
    (퓨즈박스 연결 및 자동차 배터리 연결 등)

엔진 시동을 걸고, 본체의 전원 램프가 켜지면 설치완료입니다. 만일, 전원 램프가 켜지지 않으면 접속부분이
확실히 접속되어있는지 확인하여 주십시오. 또한 시거 소켓의 먼지나 이물을 제거하여 주십시오.

제품 사양

제품 보증서

CHANUN 제품을 구입해 주셔서 감사합니다. 본 제품은 세미솔루션 기술진의 정밀검사에 합격하고, 철저한 품질관리를 거친 제품입니다. 
만일 제품 보증기간 내에 제조상의 결함이나 정상적인 사용상태에서 고장이 발생했을 경우 당사 A/S 센터에서 수리를 받으실 수 있습니다.

A/S를 받으실 경우 반드시 제품보증서를 지참하셔야 합니다. 제품보증서는 재발급되지 않습니다.

㈜세미솔루션에서는 품목별 소비자분쟁해결기준 (공정거래위원회 고시)에 따라 아래와 같이 제품에 대한 보증을 실시합니다.

제품 모델명, 고장상태, 연락처 등을 정확히 알려주시면 고객 여러분의 궁금한 점을 언제나 친절하게 상담해 드리고 빠른 서비스를 제공합니다.

상시 전원 케이블 사용시 주의사항

당사 블랙박스“CHANUN”시리즈 전 제품은 차량 전용 전원 단자 (DC 12V ~ 24V) 사용을 기본으로 개발된 제품입니다. 주차 시 녹화를 위해 상시 전원 
케이블을 사용할 경우 아래와 같은 문제점 발생 소지가 높기 때문에 사용 전 반드시 전문가와 상담하시기 바랍니다. 이 때 발생하는 제품 손상 시에는 
무상 A/S를 받을 수 없으며 특히 차량에 문제가 발생 시에는 당사는 일체 책임이 없으며 사용자의 책임임을 알려드립니다.

블랙박스 제품 수명단축 및 심각한 고장

여름철 고온에서의 제품 변형 및 차량 화재 발생

자동차 배터리 성능 저하

배터리 성능 저하로 인한 차량 전기계통 손상

배터리 출력전압 감소 보완을 위한 발전기 과다 작동 및 수명 단축

자동차 연비 감소

<상시 전원 케이블 사용으로 인한 예상 문제>


1. 구입 후 

제품 보증기간 이내(2년)

에 제품이 고장 날 경우 (단, 상시전원케이블 사용으로 문제 발생 시 유상 A/S 처리됩니다)

2. 보증 기간 이내에 정상적인 사용 상태에서 발생한 성능, 기능상의 하자인 경우 (단, 메모리카드는 소모성 부품이므로 품질 보증기간은 6개월입니다)
    * 일반 제품을 영업용도로 전환하여 사용할 경우 보증기간은 1년으로 단축 적용합니다. 

소비자 피해유형

보상 내용

품질보증기간 이내


성능, 기능상의
고장 발생시

품질보증기간 이후

구입 후 10일 이내 중요한 수리를 요할 때

동일 하자로 3회까지 고장 발생 시

동일 하자로 4회 고장 발생 시

서로 다른 하자로 5회까지 고장 발생 시

수리용 부품은 있으나 수리 불능 시

부품보유 기간 내 수리용 부품이 없이 수리 불가능 시

제품교환 또는 구입가 환급

제품교환 또는 무상수리


제품교환 또는 구입가 환급

제품교환 또는 구입가 환급

제품교환 또는 구입가 환급





정액감가상각 후 환급

정액감가상각 후 환급


1. 보증기간 경과 후 제품이 고장 난 경우

2. 무상서비스 기간 내 소비자 과실로 고장 난 경우

     사용상의 잘못 또는 취급 부주의(낙하, 침수, 충격, 파손) 임의로 수리, 개조하여 고장 발생 시 

     부적절한 전원을 연결하여 고장 발생 시

     지정 서비스 센터가 아닌 곳에서 부적절한 수리를 받아 고장 발생 시

     당사에서 제공하지 않은 액세서리(케이블, 어댑터 등)의 구입, 사용으로 고장 발생 시

3. 그 밖의 경우

     천재지변(낙뢰, 화재, 염해, 수해 등)에 의한 고장 발생 시

     충격전압으로 보호할 수 없는 불안정한 전원에서 사용한 경우

     제품 내부에 이물질(커피, 우유, 음료수, 물 등)이 유입되어 고장이 발생한 경우

수리가 필요한 경우

1. 제품 시리얼 번호를 반드시 기재해 주시기 바랍니다.

2. 본체와 자성을 띄는 제품은 반드시 따로 포장하시기 바랍니다.

3. 택배로 발송할 경우 택배비는 선불 처리 후 발송해 주셔야 하며, 착불로 수리센터로 입고될 경우 반송 처리될 수 있으니 유의하시기 바랍니다.

전압 용량을 틀리게 사용하여 고장 발생 시

소모성 부품의 수명이 다한 경우 (배터리 등)



제품 일련번호

구입 금액

  ※ 프리미엄 블랙박스“차눈”은 자동차에서 제공하는 규격전압출구단자 (시거잭등) 사용시에만 무상 AS 적용이 됩니다.



외부 디자인과 제품 규격은 제품의 성능 향상을 위해 사전 통지 없이 변경될 수 있습니다.

 외부로부터 강한 노이즈 발생시 이상동작이 발생할 수 있습니다.

  본  제품을  보호하고  안정적인  녹화를  하기  위해  고온  (

75℃  이상

)에서는  제품의  동작을  멈추게  하는  기능이 

적용되어 있습니다. 주변 환경 온도에 의해 제품의 동작 온도가 정상적인 동작을 할 수 없는 고온이 되면, 자동으로 
고온 동작 차단이 되어 동작이 중지 됩니다. 주변 환경 온도가 내려가서 제품의 동작 온도가 일정 온도 이하로 
떨어지면 제품이 다시 정상 동작합니다.



당사 홈페이지(에서 차눈 전용 플레이어 다운로드가 가능합니다.

 SD메모리카드는 정품 사용을 권장하고 있으며, 그 외에 부득이한 경우는 Class10 MLC 계열 이상 제품을 

   권장하고 있습니다.

Main Features

Components and features of this product are subject to change without notice to the user 

in order to improve the performance of the product.


Suite 2005 Heungdeok U-Toewer 120, Heungdeokjungang-ro, 
Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea   l   Tel 1670-5331   l   Fax 031-627-5303

* Components and features of this product are subject to change without notice to the user in order to improve 
  the performance of the product. You must purchase a separate additional requests except default package.

How to install

Name of each part


Please turn off the power firstly when you remove or insert micro SD card and use the original micro SD card 
privided with blackbox. (Recommendation)
It may be unable to record normally from long period read/write operation because micro SD card, which is 
expendable  supplies,  is  damaged  after  a  certain  life  period.(For  errors  or  recording  failure  due  to  long 
read/write, we don’t undertake any responsibility)
It can extend the life of SD card by formatting periodically. (recommend format period : 2 weeks)
Please back up the data in SD card before formatting SD card.
Don’t shock to SD card.
Be careful do not contact dust, etc at the SD card contacts.
Don’t remove SD card in the course of recording. It occurs the failure of recording or defect of SD card.
Don’t use other model SD card. The use of other model SD card, which is not the provided genuine SD card, 
make the failure of recording.

Security LED

Angle of view 


Easy voice guidance


HD High quality video

3D G-Sensor


Auto turn off at

high temperature



Problem Types


Within Warranty Period

For performance 

and functional

problems under normal 

use conditions

Malfunction due to 

customer fault

Out of Warranty Period

Thank you for purchasing CHANUN Dash Cam.

Semisolution gives you the following limited warranty for this product only if it was originally purchased for use, not resales, 
from Semisolution or a Semisolution's Authorized Retail Dealer. Semisolution will repair or replace, free of charge, to the 
original purchaser, any part which is found to be defective in material or workmanship within one (1) year of the date of 
purchase. (Accessories and Battery / microSD Card : 6 Months)
Semisolution provides the product warranty according to Consumer Dispute Settlement Regulations (drawn up by the Fair 
Trade Commission). Semisolution or Authorized Retail Dealer will provide the service upon request.

This limited warranty does not apply to any part subjected to accident, abuse, commercial use, alteration, missuse, 
damage caused by fire, the use of voltages other than indicated on the manual, or service of this product by other than 
Semisolution or Semisolution's Authorized Service Center. Any commercial use of this product will void this limited 
warranty. The warranty and A/S is applied only for the use of vehicle's voltage outlet. (cigarette lighter, etc.)

For serious repair required within 10 days of purchase.

Repeated problem with the same defect 4 times.

Repeated problem with different parts up to 5 times.
When repair is unavailable due to lack of spare parts 
within the component holding period.
When repair is unavailable even with spare parts.
Malfunction & damage caused by user negligence 
(fall, shock, damage, unreasonable operation, etc.) or careless use.

Malfunction & damage after the customer or 
a third party repaired or modified the product.
Malfunction & damage due to used of unauthorized components, 
consumables, or separately sold parts.

Exchange / Refund

Exchange / Free Repair

Exchange / Refund

Exchange / Refund

Exchange / Refund

Paid Repair

Paid Repair

Paid Repair


Paid Repair

Paid Repair

Refund after depreciation

Refund after depreciation

Paid Repair

Paid Repair

Paid Repair

※ Semisolution will not have any responsibility for the problem caused by abnormal power cable connection 
    (Fuse box connection or Car battery connection etc.) and free A/S will not be provided. 

경기도 용인시 기흥구 흥덕중앙로120 (영덕동 흥덕U타워 지식산업센터 2005호)   l   Tel 1670-5331   l   Fax 031-627-5303

Main Features

본 제품의 구성품 및 기능은 제품 성능 향상을 위해 이용자에게 사전 통보없이 변경될 수 있습니다.

WiFi 스마트폰 연동



Front / Rear camera

Cigar jack

Memory card &

WiFi dongle

Rec sticker

GPS cable

Camera cable

Program & Manual

Download at our webpage

2CH Camera 

Quick Manual

제품 상세 매뉴얼 및 전용뷰어 프로그램은 당사 홈페이지에서 다운로드 받으시기 바랍니다.

Quick Manual

시큐리티 LED

편리한 음성안내

3축 G-Sensor


고온 시 자동차단


HD 고화질 영상

2채널 카메라 

121°화각 (전/후방) 

WiFi 스마트폰 연동




전·후방 카메라


메모리카드 & WiFi동글


촬영 스티커

GPS 케이블 (별매품)

카메라 케이블

프로그램 & 매뉴얼

당사 홈페이지


다운로드 받으시기 바랍니다.

Quick Manual

제품 상세 매뉴얼 및 전용뷰어 프로그램은 당사 홈페이지에서 다운로드 받으시기 바랍니다.

제품 각부 명칭

카메라 렌즈


Security LED

Event LED 
Event button

본체 MIC
Event LED 


본체 스피커




전원 스위치

USB (Wi-Fi 동글)

SD 카드 삽입구

후방 카메라 단자

전방 카메라 단자

Power 단자

GPS 단자

TV Out 단자

카메라 렌즈


Security LED

Event LED 
Event button

본체 MIC
Event LED 


본체 스피커




전원 스위치

USB (Wi-Fi 동글)

SD 카드 삽입구

후방 카메라 단자

전방 카메라 단자

Power 단자

GPS 단자

TV Out 단자

제품 장착


전방 카메라

룸 미러

설치시 주의사항

하기와 같이 설치하십시오.
열선 위에 부착하면 추후 해체시에
열선의 손상이 우려되오니 주의하십시오.
양면테이프 접착시 부착할 면의 이물 또는
먼지를 마른헝겊으로 깨끗이 제거한 후에
부착하여 주십시오.

본체 옆면 메모리 카드 슬롯에 그림과 같은

방향으로 메모리 카드를 삽입합니다.

블랙박스의 렌즈가 밖을 향하도록


본체 후면 시가잭 소켓에 그림과 같은

방향으로 전원단자를 연결하세요.

차량에 시가잭을 연결 후 운전자의 조작에

방해되지 않도록 외곽으로 선을 정리합니다.

전·후방 카메라 소켓에 각 단자를

삽입하세요. 후방 카메라를 자동차 뒷면

유리에 렌즈가 바깥을 향하도록 부착합니다.

차량 시동 후 LED점등을 확인합니다.

LED가 점등되면 제품이 정상 작동합니다.

거치대 양면 테이프의 

비닐을 제거합니다.







후방 카메라 케이블

전방 카메라 케이블

전방 카메라 케이블

후방 카메라 케이블


녹색 LED 점등 확인


전방 카메라

룸 미러

본체 옆면 메모리 카드 슬롯에 그림과 같은

방향으로 메모리 카드를 삽입합니다.

거치대 양면 테이프의 

비닐을 제거합니다.




전방: HD image sensor / 렌즈 화각: 121°(대각기준)

후방: HD image sensor / 렌즈 화각: 121°(대각기준)

전, 후방: 30fps 녹화 (Max)

전방: HD (1280 x 720)

후방: HD (1280 x 720)

Micro-SD 메모리 (16GB / 32GB / 64GB)




주차녹화 (단, 별매품인 


 사용시 가능)

USB type 와이파이 동글 지원

Mobile App (Android / iOS) 

전방(HD), 후방(HD) 2채널 streaming

3축 가속도 센서 (3D)

외장형 GPS 지원

입력전원: DC 10 ~ DC 36V

소비전력: 5W 

슈퍼 캡 지원

Micro SD slot / GPS input port / USB port

비디오: AVI

오디오: PCM 







실시간 녹화

G Sensor




비디오 & 오디오


음성안내 지원, Mic내장 

Security / Status LED 

동작온도: -20℃ ~ 75℃

보관온도: -40℃ ~ 85℃

Please download for product manual and viewer program from our webpage.

Quick manual

Quick Manual

제품 상세 매뉴얼 및 전용뷰어 프로그램은 당사 홈페이지에서 다운로드 받으시기 바랍니다.


Front : HD sensor / Lens angle of view: 121˚(Diagonal) 

Rear : HD sensor / Lens angle of view: 121˚(Diagonal)

Front / Rear : 30fps recording

Front : HD (1280 x 720)

Rear : HD (1280 x 720)

Micro SD (16GB / 32GB / 64GB)




Park record

 (It can be supported by 

Chanun power

 of optional purchase)

WiFi module: USB dongle (optional)

Mobile App (Android / iOS) 

Front (HD) / Rear (HD) 2channel streaming

3D G-sensor (3D)

External GPS (Optional)

Input: DC 10 ~ 36V

Model name







G Sensor


Cautions when installing the product

Please follow the below steps. 
Please note that if the product is 
attached on hot-wire, it might damage 
the hot-wire, when removing the 
product later. When using double-stick 
tape, clean the surface with dry cloth 
before putting the tape.

스마트폰 앱 사용

1. 스마트폰 앱 설치

APP Store에서“차눈”또는“chanun ACE”로 
검색한 후 스마트기기 앱을 다운로드 받습니다. 

Keyword: chanun ACE

3. 메뉴별 기능설명

1)주행영상 : 블랙박스 촬영 영상을 실시간 재생
2)블랙박스영상 : 블랙박스에 저장된 영상 재생/다운로드
3)휴대기기영상 : 블랙박스에서 핸드폰으로 다운로드 받은
                      영상을 재생 및 삭제
4)설정 : 블랙박스 설정을 변경

2. 프로그램 실행

다운로드 받은 앱을 
실행합니다. 약 5~10초후
블랙박스와 연결됩니다.

4. 실시간 영상

라이브 뷰 화면은 블랙박스에서 카메라를 통해 
입력되는 영상을 실시간으로 핸드폰의 화면으로
보여주는 기능입니다. (Front / Rear Camera)

6. 휴대기기 영상

다운로드 받은 영상을 재생 및
삭제하는 기능.

5. 블랙박스 영상

원하는 파일을 클릭하면 영상을
바로 재생 및 저장을 할 수 있습니다.

6. 세팅

- Reset WiFi : 현재 접속된 블랙박스의
                    WiFi 정보를 삭제
- Factory default : 블랙박스의 설정정보를
                         공장 초기화 모드로 변경
- SD Format : 블랙박스의 SD카드를 포맷
- Apply : 변경된 설정정보 적용
- Cancel : 설정변경 취소

초기 패스워드: sscw4321

※APP 권장사항
  - 안드로이드 APP은 Android 4.0 이상 사용을 권장합니다.
  - IOS는 아이폰 5 이상 사용을 권장합니다.

블랙박스의 Firm Ware 버전

영상 저장시 음성 저장여부 설정

영상의 화질을 설정

입력 영상의 상하반전을 설정

영상 녹화 시간을 설정

충격 센서의 민감도를 설정

움직임 감지 기능 사용여부를 설정

SD 카드의 포맷 주기를 설정

블랙박스의 시간 설정




Mirror Mode

Record time



SD Format

Set Time

스마트폰 앱 사용

1. 스마트폰 앱 설치

APP Store에서“차눈”또는“chanun ACE”로 
검색한 후 스마트기기 앱을 다운로드 받습니다. 

Keyword: chanun ACE

3. 메뉴별 기능설명

1)주행영상 : 블랙박스 촬영 영상을 실시간 재생
2)블랙박스영상 : 블랙박스에 저장된 영상 재생/다운로드
3)휴대기기영상 : 블랙박스에서 핸드폰으로 다운로드 받은
                      영상을 재생 및 삭제
4)설정 : 블랙박스 설정을 변경

2. 프로그램 실행

다운로드 받은 앱을 
실행합니다. 약 5~10초후
블랙박스와 연결됩니다.

4. 실시간 영상

라이브 뷰 화면은 블랙박스에서 카메라를 통해 
입력되는 영상을 실시간으로 핸드폰의 화면으로
보여주는 기능입니다. (Front / Rear Camera)

6. 휴대기기 영상

다운로드 받은 영상을 재생 및
삭제하는 기능.

5. 블랙박스 영상

원하는 파일을 클릭하면 영상을
바로 재생 및 저장을 할 수 있습니다.

Summary of Contents for Chanun Ace

Page 1: ...사용 설명서 Read carefully through this User Manual for safe use of the product before installation operation or use User s Manual ...

Page 2: ...e time of an accident or under any other circumstances 5 Precautions when using a constant power cable for parking recording All the models on CHANUN Black Box Series are developed to be basically used on a vehicle s power terminal DC 12V 24V If you are planning to use a constant power cable for recording in the parking mode you need to consult an expert for you may have good chances of experienci...

Page 3: ...s water benzene and alcohol when your clean the product instead clean it with a soft dry cloth 4 Avoid using any components other than those included in the package set Use of any parts other than those provided by us may give rise to a failure or an accident 5 Do not use power that is not specified for this product Be sure to connect this product to a vehicles rated voltage 12 24V power supply an...

Page 4: All the models on CHANUN Black Box Series are developed to be basically used on a vehicle s power terminal DC 12V 24V If you are planning to use a constant power cable for recording in the parking mode you need to consult an expert for you may have good chances of experiencing any of the following problems We are not liable for any and all the damage to the product arising therefrom or in con...

Page 5: ...e without examination may result in malfunction of the product causing it to be unable to record events 4 When the product is attached at a different location be sure to re check the angle of the camera before it is put to use The camera is likely to lose its preset angle when it is unused for a long time or it is exposed to severe vibration after driving on unpaved roads so check it regularly Thi...

Page 6: ...ised to cause the product to record the event 7 Check recorded videos regularly You are recommended to inspect recorded videos periodically to check if the product and the SD memory card function normally When you find any abnormality stop using the product and contact our Customer Service Center for service This Warnings for Safe Use is intended to provide you with all the safety precautions and ...

Page 7: elevated roads in tunnels and underground roadways and under ground parking lots 2 Reception of GPS signals has no effect on the product s ability to record images Even though GPS signals are lost halfway the product normally records images without writing the location and driving information 3 When the product is first used or it has been unused for a long time it can take about 5 30 minute to...

Page 8: ...ect power before you separate the SD memory card from the product In the event the memory card is taken out while power is connected data stored in it may be damaged lost or the product can develop a mechanical failure Make sure that you should turn off power before you separate the card 4 Do not disassemble or alter SD memory cards at your discretion Arbitrary disassembly or alteration may result...

Page 9: ...stored in Chanun Ace 23 How to save and check video files on a smart phone 24 How to set the black box through the Chanun Ace application 25 Constitution of the Product 10 Points to be checked before asking for repair service 26 FAQs 27 Certifications 28 Product specifications 29 Functional overview 11 Installation 12 Installing the Player 13 Using the Player 14 Menu organization for the Player 15...

Page 10: ...te of purchase Accessories and Battery microSD Card 6 Months Semisolution provides the product warranty according to Consumer Dispute Settlement Regulations drawn up by the Fair Trade Commission Semisolution or Authorized Retail Dealer will provide the service upon request This limited warranty does not apply to any part subjected to accident abuse commercial use alteration missuse damage caused b...

Page 11: body MIC GPS LED Event LED Event button Front view camera Rear view camera Top side of main body Sides of Main body Format Main body loudspeaker Power Rear view camera port Front view camera port MIC Mute Speaker Mute Event USB WiFi dongle SD card slot Power switch GPS port TV Out terminal ...

Page 12: ...eld 3 Insert a memory card into the card slot in the direction as shown in the figure Refer to the following figure when you install this product Mounting of the cradle on heating wire may cause damage to the wire during later disassembly to which you need to pay attention Be sure to wipe foreign matter or dust cleanly off the area where the product is attached with double sided tape Attach the bl...

Page 13: the front rear view camera terminals respec tively as shown in the figure Attach the rear view camera on the back window with its lens facing outwards Keep the cable in such a manner that it does not get in the way of the driver and passengers on the back seat Check if the LED lamp comes on after you start the engine The installation is completed when you start the engine and see the lamp of th...

Page 14: ...eo players such as Gom Player that support MP4 files However in order to make best use of various optimized additional functions file management and configuration in addition to basic image playback you are recommended to install the Player provided by us Installing the Player 1 Executing installation files Unzip the downloaded files and double click to start installation 2 Install Compatible OS W...

Page 15: ...he Player and click the Next button to continue installation Installing the Player 3 Specify the location for installation The installation is completed Click the Finish button to bring the installation to an end 4 Installation completed 2016 05 12 12 00 00 ...

Page 16: ... main body come on when you start engine Otherwise check if each connection is securely connected and clear dust or foreign matter off the cigar socket Reference It may cause abnormal operation when strong noise occurs from external The function which make product stop upon the high temperature over 75 for safety recording and protecting product is being adapted If the product operating temperatur...

Page 17: ...t Viewer Language Korea English Japaness Image capture To capture images on the Player Accident report To prepare an accident report in case of an accident Setting To set configuration for the Player dedicated for Chanun Ace 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 05 12 12 00 00 2016 05 20 22 21 48 2016 10 14 10 05 17 ...

Page 18: ... week The service life of a micro SD card is 6 month Our company is not responsible in any event for the data saved in your micro SD card including loss of data Using the Player 1 Connecting the memory card to a computer Double click the Player icon found on your desktop to execute the Player on your computer 2 Clicking the Player icon on your desktop The Player screen appears on your computer Thi...

Page 19: ...ting the drive for the SD memory card When the recorded file list is displayed on the File List window on your right double click your desired file to start playing it You can double click another file to run on the screen while you watch one You can click the List menu to have the recorded files arranged in order They can be arranged in 3 types by their recording statuses Types of status Normal E...

Page 20: ...Graph This window displays changes in the vehicle s travel speed in numbers through the GPS information received at the time of the recording 8 Speed The location of the vehicle can be displayed on the map real time in combination with the Google Map service This service is available only when GPS signals are properly received during driving and you computer must be linked to the Internet GPS conn...

Page 21: ...rect You should consider a time duration required to install the SD memory card into your black box when you determine current time To determine the sensitivity for storing impact images Very high Very low low medium high To determine whether the alarm is set to go off at the time of an impact ON OFF To set the sensor so as to detect movements in the Parking mode ON OFF This function enables you t...

Page 22: ... Low voltage prevention during parking When an impact event occurs during parking When front view camera is connected When front view camera is disconnected When rear view camera is connected When rear view camera is disconnected Drive safely today with Chanun System restarts System ends When firmware upgrading starts When firmware upgrading ends When menu is initialized System is initialized SD c...

Page 23: ...lay store 2 When running the App you will be automatically connected to Chanun ACE 3 Click the Real time Video icon How to check Chanun Ace video real time on your smart phone for Android 4 Choose the Front or Rear button at the bottom to check the front rear view 1 Chanun Ace Chanun Ace ...

Page 24: ... User s Guide Using the Android App How to save and check videos on a smart phone 1 Click files from the Black Box Files list to download them to your smart phone 2 Click the Video icon 3 Click and check video files ...

Page 25: ...ory card Version To show the black box firmware version Voice recording To determine whether voice sound is recorded with video recording Quality To set video quality Image rotation To set the reversal of top bottom window File recording time To determine record time Impact sensitivity To select the sensitivity of the sensor Movement detection To enable disable the movement detection function Form...

Page 26: ...anun Ace on an application store 2 Click Setting WiFi Chanun Ace to have connection to Chanun Ace 3 The initial password for Chanun Ace is sscw4321 4 Click the Real Time Video icon How to check Chanun Ace video real time on your smart phone for iPhone Chanun Ace Chanun Ace ...

Page 27: ...22 Chanun Ace User s Guide Using the iPhone App How to check Chanun Ace video real time on your smart phone for iPhone 4 Click the Front or Rear button at the bottom ...

Page 28: ...23 Chanun Ace User s Guide Using iPhone App 1 Click the Black Box Videos icon 2 Click a video file 3 Click the Playback button to view the file How to check Chanun Ace video image stored 6 ...

Page 29: ... User s Guide Using the iPhone App How to save and check image on a smart phone 1 Click files from the Black Box Files list to download them to your smart phone 2 Click the Video icon 3 Click and check video files 6 ...

Page 30: the black box firmware version Voice recording To determine whether voice sound is recorded with video recording Quality To set video quality Image rotation To set the reversal of top bottom windows Impact sensitivity To select the sensitivity of the sensor Movement detection To enable disable the movement detection function Format cycle notice To determine the format cycle of the memory card ...

Page 31: ... using it Replace the long used Micro SD memory card with a new one Video files are not stored in the Micro SD memory card Change current time in the Time setting using the PC Player There is a difference between the time when an event actually took place and the time the file was recorded Check if the GPS tracking device has been influenced by such factor as metal coating on the vehicle s window ...

Page 32: ...erasing the previously recorded material at the end of the card Does a SD memory card continue to record events even if it becomes full You are recommended to use genuine SD memory card provided by us however if you are forced to do so you are advised to use SDHC products Class 6 or higher Can I use any SD memory card Although LED light seems to come on continuously to the human eye it continues t...

Page 33: ...tion Frequency range Modulation method Channel Radio wave type Output Description 2412 2472MHz 2422 2462MHz 10mW MHz 802 11b g n20 MHz BW 5mW MHz 802 11n40 MHz BW CCK 802 11b OFDM 802 11g n20 n40 13CH 802 11b g n20 9CH 802 11n40 G1D 802 11b D2D 802 11g n20 n40 ...

Page 34: ... an external battery 110 minutes 16GB at default settings in Normal Recording mode Supporting USB type WiFi dongles Mobile App Android iOS Front Rear FULL HD HD 2 ch streaming G Sensor 3 axis accelerometer 3D 8G GPS Supporting external GPS devices Power input DC 10 DC 24V Power consumption 5W Except for GPS WiFi Supporting Super Capacitors Micro SD slot GPS input port USB port Video MP4 H 264 Audi...

Page 35: ... performance or function under normal use An important repair service is required within 10 days from the date of purchase Replacement or refund at purchase price Not applicable When the same defect occurs 3 times Free repair service Not applicable When the same defect occurs 4 times Replacement or free repair Paid repair When different defects occur 5 times Replacement or refund at purchase price...

Page 36: ...SEMISOLUTION Customer Service Center Zip code 446 982 Room 2005 120 Heungdeok Jungang ro Giheung gu Yongin si Gyeonggi do Korea Tel 82 31 627 5300 Fax 82 31 627 5303 http www camsolution co kr ...
