Food Dehydrator
Copyright © 2016, Fast ČR, a.s.
Revision 05/2016
Dehydrated food may be reconstituted by soaking, cooking or a combinations of both these methods
and after reconstitution will look similar to the fresh state.
Dehydration does not rid food of bacteria, yeasts and moulds. If you extend the soaking process at
room temperature, this will risk spoilage. Therefore, when soaking fruit or vegetables for longer than
1–2 hours, place the container into a refrigerator.
To prevent food from losing its nutritional value, use the water from the soaking solution when
preparing various recipes. The volume of one cup of dried vegetables is equivalent to approx. 2 cups
after reconstitution. To replace the moisture that was removed during dehydration, pour cold water
over the vegetables and soak them from 20 minutes to 2 hours. Then pour boiling water over the
vegetables. When cooking, bring the vegetables to a boil and then leave them to simmer.
The volume of one cup of dried fruit is equivalent to approx. 1 1/2 cups after reconstitution. Add
just enough water to cover the fruit – its possible to add more water later if necessary. 1 – 8 hours is
sufficient for reconstituting the majority of fruits. It depends on the type of fruit, size of pieces and
water temperature (the process is shorter in hot water). If the soaking time is too long, the fruit will
lose aroma. To cook reconstituted fruit, cover the container and simmer it in the water in which you
soaked it.
Dehydrated or reconstituted fruit and vegetables may be used in various ways.
Dehydrated fruit is suitable for preparing refreshments both at home and on trips. Fruit pieces can be
added to bread products or confectionery.
Reconstituted fruits can be served as compotes or sauces. They may also be used as ingredients in
recipes for making bread, jelly salads, omelettes, gugelhupf, stuffing, milkshakes, ice creams and
cooked cereals.
Dehydrated vegetables can be used in soups, stewed meat dishes, made into vegetables platers, or used
as dry refreshments.
Reconstituted vegetables can be use in your favourite recipes like meat cakes and other main dishes, in
jellies or vegetable salads.
Crushed dehydrated vegetables are an excellent ingredient for meat bouillon, soups and sauces.
For optimal retention of nutritional values, we recommend:
Adhere to the correct pre-cooking time.
Wrap dehydrated food correctly and store in containers in a cool, dry and dark place.
Regularly inspect stored foods, checking for absorption of moisture.
Consume dehydrated foods as soon as possible.
When cooking reconstituted food, use the soaking solution.
The dehydration time depends on the type of fruit or vegetable, the size of the individual pieces and
the amount of food needs to be adjusted to fit the drying trays.
Before inspecting the dehydrated food, take a small sample and allow it to cool down for a few minutes.
Food that is hot, appears to be moister and softer than when cooled down.
Food should be properly dehydrated to prevent microbiological activity and its subsequent spoilage.
When pressed, dehydrated vegetables should be hard and fragile. Dehydrated fruit should be leathery
and soft. For long term storage, fruit should be dehydrated more than dehydrated fruit sold in stores.